
Tuesday, January 04, 2005

'04: The Year In Blog

It has become a little tradition for me to compose an end of year recap email and send to friends. Then last year, I recapped 2003 on my blog. So I sat down and began looking at things to include in this year's recap. Sometimes it seems that not a lot is going on, but then when I was scanning back over my blog, I realized that a lot happened. And by a lot, I mean, not very much. Just kidding. I sent out 2004 in Nashville, just a few miles from where I had welcomed it 12 months earlier. Funny how things come full circle like that sometimes. Here is a look back at the 8784 hours in between. I hope you enjoy it:

One of the major events in my life was that my baby sister got married on July 24th. So I now have a brother-in-law, and probably one day I'll have a niece or nephew, and most importantly, Mom will have a grandchild. (wedding pics)

There were three big road trips that I can remember:
-The Lakehouse Trip in January.
-The WPBA tournament in Mississippi in February, where I met Allison Fisher... again :o)
-The beach trip to Destin in June. (pics)

And then there was the ankle injury in August during fall league softball. The final diagnosis was a torn anterior talofibular ligament and two avulsion fractures in my ankle. Fun. That had me off my feet for awhile. Anyway, I hope I get a chance to play softball again this year. (More ankle pics)

And finally, the other major event of 2004 would have to be taking my blog to the mass media. That was a neat little experience.

In other news:
- 2004 marked the long-awaited arrival of the Seinfeld DVDs, which naturally, I snatched up the day they were released.

- I finally made the switch from dial-up to DSL this year, only a few years behind most everyone else.

- And after about a two or three year hiatus, I once again bought season tickets to Bama football games this year.

- There were lots of fun times helping LMV video weddings, football games, band competitions, and other events.

- I found out this year that I look like Steve-O. Several people told me that.

- I discovered Vitamin C. Started taking it in March after the WPBA tournament and didn't get sick the rest of the year (knock on wood).

- And this will go down as the year when our hangout officially changed from Applebees to Logan's. I guess it was time for a change. Besides, now we get lots of freebies at both places.

Two of my good friends had babies this year. Well, their wives did anyway. Jack and Paige welcomed Corey Jack, while Shane and Melody introduced us to Ronald Reagan, within just a few weeks of each other.

Some of the major news stories of 2004 that come to mind:
- Tsunamis kill over 100,000.
- The worst hurricane season in years causes heavy damage to Florida and the gulf coast.
- The continuing war and loss of lives everyday in Iraq
- Soaring oil and gas prices. At their peak this year, gas prices here were at least forty cents a gallon higher than I'd ever seen in my life.
- The Boston Red Sox won their first World Series since 1918.
- The basket-brawl during the Indiana/Detroit game, with several Pacers players going into the stands after fans. I'll never forget that scene.
- Legal troubles for Kobe Bryant, Martha Stewart, Bill O'Reilly, and perennial favorite Michael Jackson.
- Friends said farewell after 10 seasons, and Frasier ended after 11 seasons.
- Among those we lost this year: Christopher Reeve, Rodney Dangerfield, Captain Kangaroo, Marlon Brando, Tony Randall, Tug McGraw, Reggie White, Janet Leigh, Ray Charles, and Ronald Reagan.

Songs I remember most from this year:
Hey Ya - Outkast
Someday - Nickelback
100 Years - Five For Fighting
This Love - Maroon 5
Live Like You Were Dying - Tim McGraw

I don't think I went to see a single movie in a theater in 2004, which is a slight decrease from my norm of 1 or 2 movies per year for the past couple of years. I don't think I went to any major concerts this year either. The only states I visited were Florida, Mississippi, and Tennessee. That's kinda pathetic.

Well, I guess that's about it. I hope you've enjoyed this little recap. (And when I say little, I mean extremely long.) I hope you all had a wonderful year, and hope you have an even better 2005. To all the new people I've met, I hope we can get to know each other a little better in the New Year. To all my friends, I want to take an opportunity to let you know how much you mean to me. We kid around a lot, but I'm thankful for each one of you, and feel very blessed to have you as a friend. I hope I can be a better friend to each of you. Time is so precious, and that becomes more evident with each passing year. Although I have focused on things and events and such in this entry, that's not what is so important. To me, it's not really "what" you do, but rather "who" you do it with. Most of us will never be really famous. Our legacy will be the impression we make and the memories we leave with those who are closest to us, in our little corner of the world. I would say that I'm glad you're part of my little corner, but that would just be incredibly gay. So for the sake of heterocity, I'll just say, thanks for reading.

"He said I was finally the husband, that most the time I wasn't, and I became a friend a friend would like to have. All of a sudden goin' fishin' wasn't such an imposition, and I went three times that year I lost my dad..."

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