
Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Prime Cuts of Bone

"I need to tell you something, before you hear it from someone else."

An ex-girlfriend of mine said this to me the other day. Just out of the blue. I'm thinking, "Oh crap! What could it be?" My first thought was that she was pregnant. She's not. (Whew.) But really, when someone makes that statement to you, can it be anything but bad?

OK, so much for the random insert. In other news, Rick Springfield is returning to General Hospital. Thanks to Pia for the heads-up on that. Now on with today's entry...

Once upon a time in the vast annals of the blogosphere, a single, straight male from parts unknown began to blog. Armed with a rather expansive knowledge of song lyrics and an affinity for Seinfeld... Er, anyway, I have wanted to do this for awhile. So tonight I scanned thru my archives to find what I hope are some of my better posts. I'm planning to put a "Selected Posts" section on my sidebar linking to a few of these. Is it vain to do this? I think it's a good way for newer readers to get to know me. Also, for many months after I started blogging, I had just a few readers, and even fewer comments. So this is a way to reintroduce a few of those scarcely read posts. Here are some of the ones I'm thinking of including. A sampling of Bone, if you will:

Urinalysis (Oct. '05)
Little Mary Phagan (Oct. '05)
The Tradition (Aug. '05)
Unmelted Snow (Aug. '05)
When Two Become One (Aug. '05)
The Box (Aug. '05)
The First Girl I Ever Called (Jul. '05)
My Old Man (Jul. '05)
LaGrange (Jul. '05)
That City (Jun. '05)
Slow Down (May '05)
Opryland Historical Tours (Apr. '05)
Know When To Hold 'Em (Apr. '05)
Days Like This (Aug. '04)
Invaluable Moments (Jul. '04)
Friends and Doughnuts (Dec. '03)

OK, Charlize is on Letterman. So I'm off to watch her...

"So you stole my world. Now I'm just a phony. Remembering the girl, leaves me down and lonely. Send it in a letter. Make yourself feel better..."


  1. Oooh...Dr. Noah Drake? Yummy!

    I like reading old posts. The ones you have up there, I've actually already read because I've been reading through your archives one month at a time.

    "Friends and Doughnuts" and "My Old Man" were the 2 entries that made me teary eyed.

  2. You have just listed 16 reasons that confirm my comment from are NOT jaded. And just for the record, here's my definition of jaded: to tire or dull through repetition or excess

    These are all great stories. I'm so glad you dug them out of the archives! I stayed away from some...the one's I remember from the original post. I didn't want to make a mess of my face this early in the a.m.

  3. Xinh: I thought some of you girls would like that. As for me... I still wish that I had Jessie's girl ;-)

    Carnealian: Yeah, I know some people have read them already, so just overlook those.

    Thank you both. Very sweet comments. To think that I moved someone to feel... that's the best compliment ever.

  4. Moved people to feel? I couldn't get past the bottom two.

    I would put in all the ones before the last several months--though urinalyis was a great one

    I DVR'd GH

  5. Wanted to then, still want to now. . .

    be Jessie's girl. . . .

  6. Oh, reading those words "I need to tell you something, before you hear it from someone else" made ME nervous and it's not even my ex! I hope it all works out.

    And no, I don't think it's vain at all to link selected posts. I'm somewhat of a newcomer to your site so speaking just for myself, I think it's a good idea.

  7. Pia: Yes!! Slowly I'm drawing you in to my GH web.

    Fly Girl: I've had that song in my head all night now.

    Lizzie: Fortunately, turns out she was just joking. But man! Don't do me like that. Seriously.
