
Monday, January 31, 2011

Here comes the sun

(Congratulations to my friend, Pia, from Courting Destiny. She is now blogging for Psychology Today. And you can read her first post here. It makes me proud to see a former Roast-A-Bone host going on to bigger things.)

The sun came out Saturday. It was 72 degrees here. And just like that -- although the calendar wouldn't agree for three more days -- for me, January was over. Thus ending what in a hundred years will more than likely be referred to as my blue period, which basically amounted to two posts.

I don't know why I let the season come and conquer me. But it's all right now. There's not spring, but there's the promise of spring, and that's enough.

This weekend was my long-awaited-though-sometimes-uncertain return to the land of the living. I did things this weekend I thought I'd forgotten how to do, like shower on a Saturday.

Sister Bone, Nephew Bone and I went to the Bama basketball game Saturday night. Bama is not exactly known as a basketball school, but the team is having a pretty good season, so it was nice to see the game was sold out. They won the game comfortably, 70-46, over LSU. For me, any night's a good night in Tuscaloosa -- the atmosphere, the history, the Taco Casa! Just knowing that for one night you are in the same city as Nick Saban somehow makes everything right with the world.

I believe it was the wise King Solomon who wrote, "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." At supper, Nephew Bone pointed to the "A" on the Taco Casa cup and said, "Bama." It's nice to know the hours I spent repeating "Roll Tide" and "Bama" to him while everyone else was trying to get him to say "mama" and "dada" paid off.

I golfed with the Darryls on Sunday afternoon. That was a dream come true. Literally. Except that we did get to finish the round. We golfed horribly, but who really cares. Balls and clubs can be replaced. Pride can be restored, theoretically. And as I like to say, 'tis better to have golfed and failed than to never have golfed at all.

In one final bit of big news, I start guitar lessons tomorrow! I'm kind of excited. Dad has been trying to get me to learn to play for, oh, the past twenty years or so. I figure I may as well give it a shot. Also, he said he would pay for the lessons. Not that you should think my parents still pay for everything, or give me a weekly allowance. Because they don't. And they haven't since I turned 35.

Beyond that, Wednesday is National Signing Day. I'm contemplating taking off of work for that. And of course Sunday, as most everyone aware I'm sure, is the highlight of the year for Roman Numerals.

Then comes the roughly six-week long period of time I like to refer to as sports purgatory. But we'll fall into that deep, yawning chasm when we come to it.

"And I'm looking to the sky to save me, looking for a sign of life..."


  1. Thanks for the very wonderful mention:)
    Once again you took the mundane and made it LOL.
    I'm glad I guess that you can find deep meaning into Nephew Bone's "Bama." Nephew Bone, the term sounds great. Sister Bone, the term sounds lacking honestly
    I'm glad you remembered how to shower on a Saturday. Around here that whole subject is fraught with deep meanings and thoughts of suing though never following through due to not wanting to upset Karma. Only I can be upset :)

  2. Oh the Roast a Bone was too easy :) And I think PT asked me to write cos I'm so crazy!!!!!! Just beginning to believe it. Now that I have to write a second post

  3. so you love the snow but winter weather depresses you. you are a complex man.

    We are still freezing here, but I'm sure the sun will come out again here soon...I hope so anyway.

    I'm sure your sister appreciates that when nephew bone learns to read he'll pronounce every A as "Bama" way to go.

  4. This was too funny as I sit here listening to the howl of the wind. It is actaully 0 here in Texas.

    I'm glad you taught your nephew the important things in life. Please keep up the good work and pray he doesn't go to the other "A" school. But I'm sure you would be fine with TCU.

  5. Lots of linkage going on in this post: I guess you're wanting us to spend some time in the Bonechives and forget about your blue period?

    I love the Nephew Bone story. Reminds me of when my nephew was about 2 and a half, and he screamed loudly enough my neighbors probably heard him, "MeMe, dat's BUCKY BADGER!!" upon seeing the mat in my kitchen. I fear I've failed my niece: she can name every princess known to mankind, but just doesn't get as excited about Bucky. Hmm, maybe I should have taken her to the hockey game Saturday night instead.

    I think I speak for everyone when I say I'm glad the blue period is over.

  6. Yes, contratulations to Pia!

    I know Alabama is Bible-thumping land, but I don't think King Solomon was referring to 'Bama! (It was Carolina)

    And thanks for giving us the weather update, it was 16 on my mirror when I drove in for work and we're under a Blizzard Warning.

  7. I'm feeling February today too. May it fold January into a little ball and stand on it!

  8. Pia - Oh the Roast a Bone was too easy

    That's a compliment, right?

    You know there was a Seinfeld about low pressure shower heads. Although I'm not sure how much watching it would help.

    Renee - you are a complex man.

    Thank you for understanding. I also like peas, but don't like pea soup.

    Oh, he'll make it somehow. I did :)

    PennyCandy - The temps are supposed to get a bit colder here, too. But that's OK. I've already shed my January cloak of grayness, and I refuse to put it back on this year.

    Oh, he already boos anytime he sees the 'other team' on, so hopefully we're in good shape :)

    TC - Did you click the links? Because there there will be a test, only for you.

    So I take it did not enjoy my January posts? :)

    Sage - Eh, I wouldn't worry about it. I hear those mirror thermometers can be off by as much as 4 or 5 degrees. So it could've been a steamy 20 out.

    J Adamthwaite - January: the Monday of months.

  9. You mean a test like those Saved by the bell trivia questions I only got one of back in the day? :)

    The posts you wrote I liked: it's the posts you didn't write that I disliked.

  10. "although the calendar wouldn't agree for three more days -- for me, January was over" perfect

    Funny strange. I like men who play stringed instruments and you take guitar lessons....;)

    You say signing, and I think.....books.

  11. 72 degrees? That's wonderful...I'm glad your blue period is over. My blue period shall stretch into the days of February...this is why I need to move south. Thanks for the smiles, Bone, as always. Nephew Bone sounds adorable with his "Bamas". :~)

  12. Having been up since 3:30--and did in six hours what normally would take me ten, I decided to reread your post
    And it made me laugh even more--yes LOLing again

  13. Wow your dad sounds awesome, can I join the family. I was cut off at 19 when I moved away to California.

    but just think of all the lifes lessons I learned on my own.

    Just jackin with ya.: )

    milk it as long as you can man!

  14. TC - it's the posts you didn't write that I disliked.

    Are you playing mind games with me again?

    Cooper - Why is that strange? :)

    I've a feeling it's the getting from the "take" to the "play" that could be tricky.

    Sweetest In The Gale - Well, it was back to 30 degrees here today, with snow.

    I'm not sure why I don't mind February so much. I guess March is close enough to look forward to by then. And it's short.

    Pia - Thanks. I've said it before, but I know you don't use your LOL's lightly :)

    KittyCat - You left California???????

  15. Just knowing that for one night you are in the same city as Nick Saban somehow makes everything right with the world.

    This is so true. You should probably contact UA about making this their marketing technique for Tuscaloosa tourism.

    It's nice to know the hours I spent repeating "Roll Tide" and "Bama" to him while everyone else was trying to get him to say "mama" and "dada" paid off.

    I am so proud. I have trained my nephew for this too! Of course, he says "Amambama" but I figure that's close enough. Especially when he told me that he didn't want to watch "Tennsee" bc he likes "Amabama".

    Beyond that, Wednesday is National Signing Day. I'm contemplating taking off of work for that.
    DID YOU!?!? That would make my day! I didn't, but I had open on my desktop all day...while I was teaching. Gotta keep my priorities straight. Also- do you have twitter? Your life would change bc of the access you'd have to Bama sports reporters. It's amazing.

    And of course Sunday, as most everyone aware I'm sure, is the highlight of the year for Roman Numerals.

    That is hilarious.

    You've outdone yourself with this post. Well done, my friend.
