
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Cloud Ten

Christmas came two weeks late this year. Thursday night, exactly two weeks after Christmas Eve, the good St. Nick (Saban) delivered a national championship to every Bama boy and girl.

Needless to say, I was on Cloud Ten. Zoomed right past Cloud Nine. I mean, Cloud Nine is nice for being in love and things like that. But this -- this is more than just a simple matter of feeling an elevated sense of attraction to one of the other humans due to increased amounts of dopamine and serotonin in the brain.

This is a never-ending quest. Something I'd waited seventeen years for. My life's work. The result of all my years of worry and anxiety (with occasional, fleeting moments of relief and elation).

Since I had waited seventeen years for this game, I decided to watch it with those I'd spent the majority of those seventeen years with -- the Darryls. They're pretty used to "how I am" during the game.

The game was a bit of a roller-coaster, as most are. Bama got off to a slow start and fell behind 6-0, but it was still early so I wasn't suicidal... yet. Then the Tide dominated the 2nd quarter on their way to a 24-6 halftime lead and happy days were here again. I texted my sister at halftime:

"Are you happy?"
"Yeah. Our offense looks bad but we are winning. I wish McCoy was in though..."
"Wrong answer!!! You haven't won anything yet. You gotta act like the score is 0-0!!!"
"Sorry, Coach Saban."

Apparently our team thought this was the Super Bowl and that there was going to be an extended halftime show featuring The Who, because they never came out of the locker room in the 3rd quarter. Texas closed to 24-21. My phone rang, repeatedly. I didn't answer. With one quarter to play, I was inconsolable.

Coincidentally, I'd told someone before the game that in four hours, I'd either be utterly inconsolable or in a state of euphoria. There was no in between. Thankfully for those who have to put up with me on a semi-regular basis, the Tide turned in the 4th quarter. When Bama's Eryk Anders sacked the Texas quarterback, forcing a fumble that effectively ended the game, the euphoria ensued.

Final score: Bama 37, Texas 21.

Cloud Ten.

And let me just say, I've scarcely felt better in my life... without the aid of medication and/or a woman.

When something happens that means this much, how does one react?

You think about your momma, as good Southern boys should. You wonder how many times she has said "Thank you, Bear" and at what point she started crying.

You think about her and the other Bama fans who grew up with the Bear. And how the past seventeen years must have felt like a hundred to them. You're happier for them than you are for yourself.

You go somewhere, anywhere, to be around other Bama fans. The local Academy store opened at 11:00 Thursday night selling national championship shirts and caps. By the time they closed at 1:30 in the morning, over 2,000 people had bought merchandise.

The national championship trophy was on display Sunday at the Gardendale Walmart. (You couldn't make this stuff up.) No players or coaches were there -- just the trophy. An estimated 6,000 fans showed up to see it and have their picture taken with it. Hundreds more were turned away because the viewing was only scheduled to last three hours. In case you're wondering, I was not in either group, though I have no reasonable explanation why.

And you celebrate. This Saturday, an official celebration will be held at Bryant-Denny Stadium. The first 50,000 fans get a free poster, which I take to mean they're expecting over 50,000. I'm leaning towards going to this.

After all, any day in Tuscaloosa is a good day. No matter what cloud you're on.

"They got a name for the winners in this world. I want a name when I lose. They call Alabama the Crimson Tide. Call me Deacon Blues..."


  1. Apparently our team thought this was the Super Bowl and that there was going to be an extended halftime show featuring The Who, because they never came out of the locker room in the 3rd quarter
    Love that. You have converted me to loving college football and uh.....That 24-21 quarter was very scary
    A question or two: now that your life's work has been completed what are you going to do? Do you have a mission in life? Is everything downhill from here?

  2. Many Fort Worth residents tuned into the game and were pulling for Bama. I think we helped with the positive mojo.

    Why you might ask... UT talked smack about our beloved Frogs. So no good will there.

    So very glad your team took the title. Now you need a repeat.

    I'm confused why 17 years? Didn't you pull for them since the day you were born?

  3. Cloud Nine is nice for being in love and things like that. But this -- this is more than just a simple matter of feeling an elevated sense of attraction to one of the other humans due to increased amounts of dopamine and serotonin in the brain.

    I knew this was gonna be a good post when I read that! LOL Funny stuff. I pity the girl who tries to compete with Bama football!

    Congratulations on your national championship. I'm sure you had a lot to do with them winning it! (And don't worry: I'm patting myself on the back for getting at least one wish granted ;))

    Also, the Wal-Mart paragraph? That's classic. Sometimes, reality is stranger than fiction!

    Oh and Penny Candy? It's been 17 years since Bama won their last national championship.

  4. Congratulations, but I must say, only in Alabama would the trophy be on display at Walmart!

  5. Even though I do not have the nostalgia you do about this team I was very happy that they won, cuz of you. The only thing that would have made the win better would have been if they were playing Penn State and beat the pants off then. THEN, I would be on cloud ten!!

  6. Pia - Actually, Axl and I were talking about that the other day. How things can't get any better, so it's all downhill from here. Sort of the George Costanza attitude.

    I'm so excited that you watched the game!

    Murf - Something tells me I might regret this, but.. care to expound?

    PennyCandy - Aww, well thanks! Any support is always welcome and appreciated.

    Oh, I did. Probably since before I was born :) It had been 17 years since Bama last won the national championship. Maybe I should have mentioned that in the post.

    TC - There's no need to compete. All it takes is a little understanding... on her part :)

    Thanks for the wish and please thank the three kings for me. (I know you talk to them.)

    Sage - Thanks. Eh, I don't know. Maybe in Arkansas. You know, that's where they're headquartered.

    Carnealian - Thanks for being happy for me :) Well, we do play Penn State in the second game next season, so hopefully we can help you out then.

  7. I thought of you when I heard they had won. Cloud ten only happens to a select few. I should be so lucky.

  8. Congratulations Bone. I hope you don't have to wait another 17 years

  9. Mmhmm. Men are all about compromise and understanding... As long as they aren't required to do it.;-)

    Oh and I see Colt McCoy got a consolation prize: he asked his girlfriend to marry him and she said yes. Wonder if she was happy that he was #2 since it was a spot she's spent years in?

    (The kings say you're welcome. Or I assume they do.

  10. But wouldn't it have been even more satisfying if McCoy HAD played and you beat them with their best quarterback playing? Sort of like how your NFL team's win would have been better if McNabb had played.

  11. The only way I can relate is to compare this with Morel Madness which is about all I can think about this time of year until April.

  12. Beautiful post. I might shed a tear. Nope, sorry. No, I really am excited for you. I know this is HUGE for you!

  13. Cooper - Actually, I thought I'd come up with a brilliant new expression, until I googled it and realized there's a Cloud 10 Corp, a Cloud Ten Productions, etc. etc. etc.

    Maybe I should've gone for Cloud Thirty-Seven.

    NoStrokes - Thanks. I hope I don't, either. I mean, it was worth the wait, but I could handle visiting Cloud Ten a bit more often.

    TC - There's compromise. All I ask is basically four months, September thru December (and a bit of August and January). That leaves eight months. Those will be good times, right?

    Susan - Haha. I dunno. The way he looked, the Eagles might've had a better chance if McNabb hadn't played Saturday.

    Ed - Neat story. So they're kinda like the Mackinaw peaches? (Murf might get that.)

    Daily Panic - I'm assuming you're there, too? Pretty nice up here, huh? :)

    OKChick - I'm sure you wouldn't be the only one :) Thanks. It is huge! GINORMOUS!

  14. I love the idea of a Cloud 10! It makes me think of all the other clouds we overlook... what happens on Cloud 7? Where's Cloud 3? Oh the possibilities!

  15. You Googled cloud ten. You would!!!!!! It's so Bone

  16. I know Mackinaw peaches....and we will give you 10 cents for all your old bottles so load them up and come on over. :-)

    Sage is the only one that spells Walmart correctly. I think he must secretly like that place.

  17. I used to watch football faithfully when I lived in Denver... then we moved to Wisconsin and I lost my taste for it.

  18. Okay I get the understanding part but what if she isn't a Bama fan? What if she's an Auburn fan?

    Just wondering?

  19. Ed: mmmmmm, morels. Is spring here yet?

    Michele: what on earth about this grand state made you not like football? Besides the subzero temps and the frzoen tundra, I mean.

    And PennyCandy, you live in TX. Would a Frog date a Longhorn? I'm guessing that Bone wouldn't "understand" an Auburn girl.

  20. I'm so happy for you, Bone! I actually thought of you when I heard, and I'm not even a football person.

    Bone = Alabama football. Congrats!! :~)

  21. J Adamthwaite - Actually, I remember a rather obscure song from several years ago called "Cloud Eight." It is an interesting avenue of thought.

    Pia - Of course. You can never say I don't research my posts. That is, if you consider Google and Wikipedia research.

    Murf - No, no, I'm not trying that Michigan deposit bottle scheme again. Though I did have a Yoo-hoo this morning.

    Yeah, I had to go back and change it. I'm slowly assimilating, though it's still Wal-mart in my tags.

    Michelle - So you went for the Broncos there, I'm assuming?

    PennyCandy - What if she's an Auburn fan?

    You mean after my mother disowned me? :) I'm kidding. Maybe.

    Anonymous - Is thy name TC?

    Sweetest In The Gale - Bone = Alabama football.

    I cannot argue with your obviously well-thought-out equation. Thanks :)

    Actonbell - Thanks! It sure has helped to cure my typical case of the Januarys. Or at least delay them until February.

  22. Congratulations, Bone! When they won, I thought of you!

  23. I'm still waiting on a box to get that hat to you but you will get it someday. Hopefully before they're national champs again.

  24. Umm the Packers fans were overzealous bleeps when we first moved here. Now I am used to it and I just can't see watching.

  25. "Since I had waited seventeen years for this game, I decided to watch it with those I'd spent the majority of those seventeen years with -- the Darryls. They're pretty used to "how I am" during the game." are you at game time - I'd love to know! I bet that is a story in itself! Congrats on the Win! Ohhh by the way - Auburn girls need love too! lol We hale from the same state - that has to count for something! :)

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