
Wednesday, August 29, 2007

3 Word Wednesday #50

It's a milestone week for 3WW! The 50th edition. There were actually two additional weeks at the beginning before I figured out what to call it, but since I've been counting, this is number fifty :) And it's all thanks to you. Because honestly, if no one else participated, I probably would have stopped this thing at least 43 weeks ago. Here is where it all began, if you're curious. Anyway, on with the show...

Welcome to Three Word Wednesday. Each week, I will post three (or more) words. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to write something using all of those words. It can be a few lines, a story, a poem, anything. I'll also attempt to write something using the same words.

Leave a comment if you participate. Many fun and interesting people might visit your blog.

This week's words are:

obscure actress stars
poor cinematography
classic nonetheless

forgotten hotel
flashing sign reads vacancy
fateful rainy night

damsel in distress
she's just a stranger, mother
norman can't resist


  1. sorry, that didn't work...

  2. Hi everyone. I wrote something very strange for this prompt. Four one sentence observations called "Check Out".

    Hope you enjoy the reading.



  3. Congrats on 50 :) Or really a year, but two weeks with out a name--can't count :)

    I wrote my post before the words and already had hotel. The other two should have been very easy but were very hard to place

    Saw how two words--one really--can change a whole mood of a piece

  4. Here's my contribution for this week.


  5. Oh, great words, Bone; I wanted to just write and write and...

    Opposites Attract

  6. Mine is there... I tried to grow the new character... idk if it worked, but its a fun exercise and let me post one of my photos from my trip this June! lol

    Happy Anniversary! I really do love 3ww so thanks for keeping it going for 50 weeks! YIKES!

    Now I HAVE to work! Ill be back later tonight to see if you've participated in your own game! =]

  7. I played this week.

    Happy 5oth! This is so cool.

  8. Aloha!

    I can't play this week, but there is a new episode of Norbert and Smedley. It seems wrong, somehow, to miss the 50th!

    The Maui Writer's Conference has us writing, talking writing, or doing homework from 6 or 7 A.M. until midnight--and loving it. I'll be back next week, with reports on my blog.

    For latecomers to N&S, you can read from Episode 1 quite easily here.

  9. Might be a day or two before I visit others, but I've put up a couple of haiku today. I really wanted to use last week's words, but I was too busy to play last week.


  10. Happy 50th! I've only been around for a few weeks, but this is one of the highlight of my week already. Thank you so much!

    Mine for this week is up at

  11. My fifth 3ww

    fifth 3ww

  12. Mine's done... you can just follow my profile to it: it's the post on top!

    Congrats on 50 weeks, Bone! That's quite an accomplishment! :)

    Of course, I think you should recognize the other two weeks... I mean, if parents don't name their baby for three days does that mean the baby's birthdate changes? Of course not! 8-) And you did link to the original post... without the name...

    I'm just saying :-P

  13. congrats Bone!!! 50 weeks!!! Nice job! Does that mean that we only have two more weeks? anyways, here you go...its nice and long this time....

  14. My links for the last three weeks in haiku form
    click here

  15. Hi everyone and Happy Fifty Bone! Here is what I wrote for today, and if this link doesn't work, please copy and paste the link below.

  16. I had two ideas for these words, but decided on this direction.

  17. I agree, great words.

    For some reason, obscure sparked my imagination this week.

    Congrats on 50, Bone! Here's to 50 more! *cheers*

  18. I might have to comment in shifts :)

  19. Congratulations on 50 weeks, Bone! I'm so happy to have discovered this wonderful place. :~) Here's my contribution:

  20. Another installment of a story that is, quite frankly, driving me crazy.

  21. hi all... heres mine....


    just in case....

  22. Here is mine. I swear it has nothing to do with Senator Larry Craig.

  23. Happy 50th, Bone. Can I wait two more weeks before getting you a card?

  24. Here is Trials for 3WW from Congrats on the 50th.

    Your piece for last week was really good. I am sorry it took me so long to comment about it.

    Michelle Johnson

  25. Another great turn out this week. Thank you all for participating, and for the Happy 50th wishes.

    Again, 3 Word Wednesday has only survived because of your participation.

    I may have to comment in shifts as well :) But hopefully I'll make it around to everyone's at least by Thursday.

  26. Bone, I love your poem! Very evocative. Makes me want to watch it again. :)

  27. Bone - Happy 52nd! The first two count. Or, the first two were practice, so Happy 50th.

    Your haiku, Never watched that movie, but I got the point from your words. Love the way you get a point across.

  28. It's bad that I laughed when I got to Norman, isn't it? Sigh. Sorry.

    I have to learn how to do this haiku thing: I'm always so impressed when I read it.

    Nicely done, Bone :)

  29. congrats on the 50th! and nice job on the haiku! (gotta' love a Psycho reference!)

    it's wednesday night - and i'm not yet posted. maybe tomorrow ... maybe friday ...

  30. Just have to say that you put a huge smile on my face with yours today, Bone.

  31. congrats on the 50th from a 'newbie' only at week 2

  32. Congrats on 50 3WW. I'm glad you choose such memorable words for you haiku. :)



  33. Nice haiku/poetry, Bone. Reflects the movie very well.

  34. Here's mine: Postcard

    Congratulations, Bone! You're doing a great thing for poetry and for the people who love them. Thank you! Happy 50th!

  35. Psycho was the first scary movie I remember seeing as a kid. Even today, the name 'Norman' still gives me the goosebumps, especially when paired with the word "mother". Good work telling the tale in Haiku! The piece identified the creepy details of the movie quite well. :)

  36. It's pulp, it's edgy evocative. It puts the reader in the action

    It's wonderful. I kind of memorized it :)

  37. I didn't have time yesterday to write a comment but the first thing that came to mind was the movie Psycho. Dang. Missed my chance.

    Happy 50th by the way! And I like the name you settled on: 3WW. You mentioned "My three words" in your post and I had the theme song to "my three sons" in my head all day yesterday. It's probably best that you didn't go with that title. I couldn't handle that song in my head once a week. :o)

  38. ThisGirlRemembers: Thank you! I kinda want to watch it again, too.

    Marcia: Well, thank you, Marcia. You really should see it. Just make sure you don't watch it by yourself, and stay out of the fruit cellar :)

    TC: Nah, laughing's never bad. I'm not sure if I started out intending it to be humorous, but I think it sort of ended up that way, at least at the end. Thanks.

    Alison: Thank you. Thursday, Friday, or you can do like I did last week and post on Saturday :)

    Paul: Thanks for playing.

    Gay: Mmhmm, you're smiling because of my haiku, and not because you're in Maui. ;-)

    Kathryn: Thank you. And thanks for participating.

    Rose: Thanks. I really wound up reallly liking the three words this week.

    Lissa: Thanks, Lissa. This was my first attempt at a haiku on 3WW, so I probably should have apologized beforehand :)

    Liz: Thank you. That's very nice of you to say. Yeah, if you say Norman and mother, most everyone knows what you're referring to.

    Pia: Wow, thanks! I think this is the first time anyone has ever memorized something I've written :)

    Charlotta-love: I guess we were on the same wavelength then, which should probably frighten you :) Yeah, it went from unnamed to Exercises In Composition to 3 Word Wednesday.

  39. You know how much I love pulp/noir--have my template in homage to it

    Loved it all--the damsel in distress last stanza but this was hysterical
    poor cinematography
    classic nonetheless

  40. Bone's doing poetry this week... I thought about it, but ended up posting a memory from travels in Korea. it's now up.

  41. There is a Tokeland, and a Tokeland hotel, and they make a pretty good breakfast.

  42. It looks like the link didn't, here's another try Obscure Photograph.

  43. In a forgotten hotel at the edge of dawn
    lights traceway and scatter in obscure, bordered echoes, where civilization’s
    peasants make poor attempts at living.

  44. I got a very film noir feeling from this. Is that what you were going for?

  45. I loved the poem you submitted for 3WW. Your mind is really cool. Keep up the good work.

    Michelle Johnson

  46. wow bone you did a great job!!! Im not sure I can specifically pick out one part I like more than the others...

  47. Siskel and Ebert (wait, one of them . . . ummm . . well you know what I'm saying) have nothing on you. This was the best movie review I've ever read, and one of the best haikus. Well done, Sir Bone. Like Pia, I've almost got it memorized. It's catchy like that.

    My submission is here.

  48. That short poem told a great classic story.

    Bad cinematography but great classics. When I watch those old ones I think if those were not those B&W ones, would I still be admiring those?

  49. Great work, Bone. Very creative.

  50. Brilliant, Bone!! You set a great scene, and had me laughing so hard with the last stanza! Bravo!!

  51. I like it. I went back to Los Angeles in the 60s/70s. I could see the hold hotel and wondered if any of the people I saw back then were obscure actors/actresses.

  52. Hehee...It would have been perfect if you were given the word motel instead of hotel.

    And ~*HAPPY 50th 3WW BONE!*~

  53. I really liked your poetry, made me shiver. I only watched that movie once, long ago, and I haven't watched it again. Too creepy!!

  54. 3WW poem

  55. I finally did mine.. late but always fun to do. You'll need to scroll down a bit on my blog - I predated it a bit.

  56. I used the three words to challenge my Big Bend Poets group. I'm going to do it again next Wednesday. Thank You.
    Here was mine:

    In a forgotten village
    in the Great American Desert
    a hotel stands at the side of an
    unpaved main street knee-deep in dust.
    The harness shop, the livery stable,
    the saloon and the dry goods store flank her.
    All seem to wait and watch with gaping,
    broken window-eyes for those who fled,
    believing they might return for the same
    obscure reason that made them flee.

  57. Pia Savage: I think you may have mentioned pulp/noir once or twice :) Thank you.

    Sage: That's weird, because I thought about doing a memory from my travels in Korea. But then I remembered I'd never been there.

    Mike Mc: Oh, there really is. I just googled it. I'll be sure to stop in if I'm ever in the area.

    Amber: Thanks for participating.

    HotPink: Well, whether it was what I was going for or not, that's apparently where I wound up, as you're the second person to say that :)

    MJ: My mind is really cool? Thanks! That made me smile :)

    ATag: Thanks, Tagster.

    Avery Laine: Well, thank you Miss Laine. Perhaps I could begin Haiku Movie Reviews :)

    Gautami: I actually tend to prefer those old black & white films. Sometimes I think the writing was much better then, because there weren't all these special effects. The film was about the story.

    Herb Urban: Thank you, Mister Urban.

    Clare: Thanks, Clare. I'm glad it made you laugh :)

    Carlos: Thanks. I actually looked up "obscure" and was surprised at how many different meanings it can have.

    GirlFPS: Ah, I guess it would have. I'm not even fully certain I know what the difference is technically. And thank you :)

    Actonbell: Thank you! Hope you're enjoying the weekend as well.

    Fledgling Poet: Awwww. It wasn't that bad, was it? :) Thank you.

    Sue: Thank you for particpating.

    Shelby: Better late than never. I'm a little late in getting by to read it as well.

    Anonymous: Welcome to 3WW. I liked your poem very much. Described very well what I would imagine a ghost town to be.
