
Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Riding In Cars With Boys

Hanging out with Little Joe and Wolfgang is kinda like watching Robin Williams on a talk show. I'm never quite sure what to expect, but I know I'll most likely be entertained. And sometimes scared.

The first weekend of Spring felt like the first weekend of Summer. So LJ, Wolfgang, and I took advantage by heading up to Kinlock Falls Sunday afternoon. Despite temperatures which had been in the 80's seemingly for a week, the water was slightly frigid. I found that out the first time I jumped in, leaving me yelping like a little girl. It was like millions of tiny pin pricks on my delicate, milky white skin. Nature's own little accupuncture therapy, if you will.

As we were leaving, I ran into a girl I knew but couldn't remember her name. (That's not selective memory. That's just bad memory.) We chatted for a few minutes. Meanwhile, LJ had been talking to this guy about the location of another swimming hole, deeper in the forest. We decided we'd look for it.

About a quarter of a mile up the road, I heard a beeping noise, then looked over and said, "Uhh, why does that say low fuel?"

LJ replied, "Oh... uh... I forgot about that. Yeah. We're not going to The Blue Hole today."

So there we were, on a gravel road deep inside the national forest, with LJ's instrument panel reading that we had 27 miles of gas remaining. And I'm estimating it is about 25 miles back to the store. LJ didn't think it was that far and said he was confident we had plenty of gas. Wolfgang and I began to berate LJ. I asked him why he didn't get gas before we left town, especially since I had him stop at a store on the way so that I could get a Mountain Dew!

I should probably mention here that LJ has a history of running out of gas. (And being in wrecks. And staying up for forty-eight straight hours and hallucinating. But those are other stories for another time.) For some illogical reason, he seems to enjoy pushing the limits and seeing just how far his car will go.

I was even riding with him once when, after ignoring my continuous pleas to stop, he ran out of gas in a rather unsavory area of town. In that particular instance, he said not to worry, that the car would restart at least twice after it first ran out of gas. Which would indicate he had done that at least once before. Amazingly enough, it did, and we coasted into the next gas station.

Anyway, back to Sunday. We got back to the store with three miles of gas remaining. Just as we were about to pull in, Wolfgang yelled from the back seat, "Keep going! I want to see how far we could have made it!" Ugh.

They dropped me off at my car. As we pulled back onto the highway, I saw the top start to go up on Little Joe's convertible. He started down the highway with the top standing straight up in the air, almost perfectly vertical. I had no idea what they were doing, but he pulled into someone's driveway. I honked and continued past. My phone rang. It was Wolfgang. I answered but couldn't even manage to say hello. For like twenty seconds, there's nothing but laughter on both ends.

We met back up at LJ's later that night. I walked into the kitchen to get something and noticed three pairs of solid white Reeboks sitting heel-to-toe by the garage door. I nearly pulled out my phone to take a picture. (They were kinda like these except without the navy.) Here were these three pairs of shoes from the 1980's, identical except for the amount of wear.


Does he just keep buying the same style over and over? And if so, where does he still find them? Or did he buy them all in 1989? And why three pairs? Maybe they were the last three pairs ever made, so he wanted to stock up on them. Or maybe he rotates them, like tires, so that they last longer.

So many questions. So few answers...

Again, I never know what to expect, and sometimes I'm scared.

"So put me on a highway, and show me a sign, and take it to the limit one more time..."


  1. How about next time you offer to drive?


  2. I think it would've been interesting to see how far you could've gone as well. However, I'd have been a big chicken and still gotten the gas.

  3. I should probably mention here that LJ has a history of running out of gas. (And being in wrecks. And staying up for forty-eight straight hours and hallucinating. But those are other stories for another time.) For some illogical reason, he seems to enjoy pushing the limits and seeing just how far his car will go.

    And yet you continue to ride with him...


    I think that says something about you, Bone. ;)

    And btw, that's soooo selective memory. :P

  4. I don't think I've ever been to a swimming hole. :( I guess I haven't really lived. But I have run out of gas, if that makes me any more exciting.

  5. ED: Sure, that would be practical, but never as interesting :)

    Carmen: Knowing Little Joe, I'm a little surprised he didn't keep going.

    TC: Hey, I went along mainly for the blog material O:)

    And that is not selective memory. If it were, I'm sure I would have selected to remember her name over that of, say, some bowler. If given a few seconds, I would have remembered it anyway.

    Lass: LOL Hey, one out of two isn't bad. Ever been cow tipping?

  6. They still sell all white ones?

  7. Back when I was in high school, I used to drive my little Chevy Sprint until the tank was empty. There was many a time when I would run out of gas as I was pulling out of the parking lot of school (luckily we were at the top of a hill) and coast down to the gas station at the bottom of the hill.

    I'm intrigued by the staying up 48 hours straight and hallucinating story that's yet to come.

  8. "Again, I never know what to expect, and sometimes I'm scared."

    I can relate! ;)

  9. If given a few seconds, I would have remembered it anyway.

    You just keep telling yourself that, Bone. I'm not buying it, and somehow I doubt she would have either. ;)

    Oh and I wasn't questioning your hanging out with them, just the fact that you ride with him instead of driving yourself. I think, secretly you were almost hoping for something like what did (or worse!) to happen so that you would have fabulous blog fodder.

    Wait. You already said that didn't you? Nevermind.

  10. I love that you labled this under FASHION!!!!!!!!!! lol (It made me think of your post about your cowboy hat wearing phase! lmao)

    Sounds like a fun day and fun friends. Crazy can be good! (In moderation!) I think you need to carry around a camera and post some photos for us!

  11. DCChick: That's what I'd like to know. I'll investigate and get back to you.

    Xinher: Well, there are a couple. One of them goes hand-in-hand with one of the wreck stories, not surprisingly :)

    Sizzle: It's sometimes abnormal, but always fun.

    TC: Exactly. Little Joe, especially, is much more entertaining when he's driving.

    Kate: Haha. Well, I thought it fit. Fashion, or lack thereof :) I regret not taking a picture of the three pairs of shoes lined up so neatly by the door. It would have capped off this post perfectly.

  12. Those are the best kinds of friends...the ones you forgive in ADVANCE! The ones you know if you got arrested with them, it would be ONE HELL OF A STORY!

  13. I must be too old to find that at all entertaining. I've never ran out of gas. With current gas prices if I ever did run out it would cost me over $50 to fill it back up.

  14. Haven't you ran out of gas with these dudes before?

  15. Yes, I'm pretty sure Bone blogged about running out of gas with them before--it was a more complicated story

    Why am I cursed with a selective memory that lets me remember Bone's posts?
    That said, he does remember some of mine more than I do

    I want a story on the three pairs of sneakers

  16. Esmerelda: Yeah, I wouldn't trade them for anything. There's several stories involving them that I've yet to blog.

    Renee: Well, I wasn't wanting to run out of gas, either. But it does make for a good story.

    Hotpinksox: Well, I have with Little Joe, as I alluded to in the post.

    Pia: Why am I cursed with a selective memory that lets me remember Bone's posts?

    That's one of the funniest comments you've ever left. Partly because I know it's real :)

    I think I'll mention the three pairs of identical shoes the next time I'm over there.

  17. Admit it, Bone, you keep your so-called friends around simply for blog fodder. You've pretty much already admitted it. We don't blame you, an artist must suffer for his art. :)

    I've got friends like that, ones that I hang out with (or used to) just because of the crazy things that occur in their presence. I could fill up a library of books with stories of the things that have occurred, but I live in fear of them finding my blog, so I keep them to myself. And a few select friends.

    It could have been worse, you know. They could have been British Knights instead of Reeboks.

  18. However you have matured as a writer. I loved this

    My phone rang. It was Wolfgang. I answered but couldn't even manage to say hello. For like twenty seconds, there's nothing but laughter on both ends.

    It's what Lucia and I do, only in our case for 20 minutes.

  19. Wow ok so the phone call at the end, car "problems" and a great time to be had by all! I love those kinds of weekends...well the looking back and laughing...the car problems are not so great when they happen...

    TC..."How dead was that bug?" & "Gummy Worms" do you say that in spanish?

  20. I refuse to admit I have any idea what you're talking about Tag... tomorrow's another day though. ;)

  21. is in the scrapbook...;) but I dont know what Im talking about...and you werent there to prove me wrong...;)

  22. Your friends sound hilarious! Wouldn't it be fun to go on a road trip with you guys :-)
    And what in the world are you doing swimming when it's 80 degrees?? I can't swim unless it's at least 100!!

  23. It's in the scrapbook? You're sure?? I know, um, I mean, I might be willing to admit ONE of those is in the scrapbook, but are you sure the other one is? O:)

  24. lol you are so right! Only one of them is in the scrapbook!! ;) and the actual "incident" of the other isn't really in the its not in the scrapbook, my bad... :)

  25. That's what I thought. ;)

    So gummy worms, dead bugs? I have no idea of what you speak. :-)

  26. So.... what were they doing in someone else's driveway???

    These cliffhangers of yours kill me!

  27. You have so much trouble when it comes to driving with you friends, why is that? You should really think about driving more or saying no.

  28. Avery Laine: Well, that's not the only reason. But they are almost always good for some entertainment, especially when they're together.

    Pia: I think that's the first time I've ever answered the phone and not been able to say hello for laughing. After twenty seconds, I just hung up. Then called back a bit later.

    Arlene: They're great. I thought the water would be warmer than it was. I guess with the temps still getting down to 50 or so at night, it cools down.

    Blondie: Oh, he had pulled over to finish putting the top up. Apparently it wouldn't go up while the car was moving.

    Heather: Yes, but it's more fun this way, see? LJ really is not very fun as a passenger.

    TagAlong & TC: I cannot believe both of those are not in the scrapbook! Who dropped the ball on that one?

    (Just pretending that I know what's going on.)

    Thanks for stopping by my chatroom ;)

  29. I cannot believe both of those are not in the scrapbook! Who dropped the ball on that one?

    Um, Bone? I think you were the one responsible for making sure both of events went in the scrapbook. So really, you dropped the ball. O:)

    (We like your chat room: are you kicking us out?)

  30. Yeah bones its totally your fault that we dont have picture of this to add to a scrapbook...we cant drive, laugh, and worry about bugs while we are trying to take pictures....
    and the chatroom has a great atmosphere...

  31. TC: No, you can only be kicked out for insulting me incessantly :)

    ATag: Glad you're enjoying it. It started out as a blog, but, you know, I was kinda running out of blog ideas, so whatever :)

  32. you can only be kicked out for insulting me incessantly :)

    I would never! *Gasping, shocked face*

    OK, so I might. But it wouldn't be on purpose. Or not maliciously anyway.

    I don't like getting kicked out of places: this would be my first chat room if that happened. O:)

  33. I'll take "not maliciously anyway" for a thousand, Alex :)
