
Tuesday, April 04, 2006

System of a Down

Rollin' down the street. Smokin' cassettes. Sippin' on Sun Drop. Laid back. With my mind on my whiskers and my whiskers on my mind...

Sorry I haven't been around for a day or two. But I have some bad news. It appears that I have contracted a virus. I know what some of you are thinking. "Well Bone, it was only a matter of time." True. True. When you live a lifestyle such as mine and spend as much time in bed with strange... websites, it's bound to happen.

I was diagnosed with MSBlaster. Well, my computer was. But really, my computer is only an extension of my person, right? Despite how it sounds, MSBlaster is not a fun little Microsoft Space Invaders imitation game. It's a virus. So I was unable to get online at home from 6:04 PM Monday until 3:07 PM today. (Times are approximate.)

Do you have any idea what having no internet is like for me? Imagine MacGyver with no duct tape. George Bush with no speech writer. Barry Bonds with no syringe... I mean, bat. It's been tough, friends. But life is about overcoming trials. Or just taking lots of pills and sleeping until things get better. Either way.

So I entertained myself most of the day with TV. And working on the computer. DNC came over last night to watch the NCAA finals. What a game! I thought for a moment there in the second half that UCLA was going to cut the lead under 12. The game was so exciting that I only got to see a few minutes of 24. That's two weeks in a row. Fortunately, the website gives minute-by-minute recaps. I'll be back to normal viewing next week.

Also, it was opening day in baseball. I love it! Games on all day long. It's just nice to be outside in a well-manicured area. Or, see other people outside in a well-manicured area. I added a baseball scoreboard to the sidebar. Hopefully, this will come in handy throughout the season, as I know some of you have set my blog to be your homepage.

At some point while watching the Reds lose a 16-7 heartbreaker to the Cubs, I came to a realization. Basically every sports team I root for I inherited from my Mom. She always talked about the Big Red Machine and Pete Rose. And in football, it was always (and still is) the Cowboys. And of course, there's the love for Alabama that has been instilled as me since even before I can remember.

Thanks, Mom. No, really. Sure the Reds have had a string of ten or fifteen rough years. And I've convinced myself that this never happened. But I still want to see a game at Great American Ballpark this year. I love my teams. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

"It's gonna take money. A whole lot of spendin' money. It's gonna take plenty of money, to do it right, child..."


  1. Viruses suck! Glad you're feeling better though and you had a fairly speedy recovery. Besides, if you had had internet, you might not have gotten the same experience out of the games! There's always a silver lining.

  2. Bone--just went and set your blog as my homepage. And if you believe that...

  3. Well, you were missed, glad you are back, sorry your Reds lost!

  4. Missed you since IMed me and made sure I realized you had been gone (:

  5. Ohhh man, you sure don't know what you've got until it's gone, right? I get downright bitchy if I'm unable to access my internet. Hope the problem gets fixed soon.

  6. Delighted that you like an Ohio team,I like the Reds and the Indians.I grew up with my Dad rooting for Pete Rose.But no,sorry I live in Columbus.(Now if you ever want Buckeye tickets)Re the 2 girls...I thought you could try them both and see which one you like better.One's a tall brunnette,one's a short,blue-eyed blonde,both have great figures.

  7. Groovy: True. I was thinking, what did I do before the internet? Oh, right! TV.

    Pia: I was including you in the "some of you" who already had...

    Carnealian: Oh, it's a long season. 162 games. And we'll probably lose a few more before it's over :)

    Feenix: Well, I knew you had probably been worried ;-)

    Chickadee: It appears to be fixed. Things are returning to normal as I have begun re-downloading software.

    Buckeyefans: Oh, I get it. It's sort of like a mini Bachelor. (Why do I continue to equate everything to TV?)

  8. Wondering where you have been.

  9. "(This Song's Just) Six Words Long"

    This song is just six words long
    This song is just six words long
    This song is just six words long
    This song is just six words long

    Couldn't think of any lyrics
    No I never wrote the lyrics
    So I'll just sing any old lyrics
    That come to mind, child

    You really need words
    Whole lotta rhyming words
    You gotta rhyme so many words, mm-mm
    To do it, to do it, to do it, to do it
    To do it, to do it right, child

    This song is just six words long
    This song is just six words long
    This song is just six words long
    This song is just six words long

    I know that you're probably sore
    'Cause I didn't write any more
    I just didn't get to complete it
    So that's why I gotta repeat it

    This song is just six words long (six words long)
    This song is just six words long (six words long)

    Oh I make a lotta money
    They pay me a ton of money
    They're payin' me plenty of money
    To sing this song, child

    I gotta fill time
    Three minutes worth of time
    Oh, how will I fill so much time, mm-mm
    I'll throw in a solo, a solo, a solo
    A solo, a solo here

    This song is just six words long
    This song is just six words long
    This song is just six words long
    This song is just six words long

    This song's got nothin' to say
    But I'm recording it anyway
    I know if I put my mind to it
    I know I could find a good rhyme here

    Oh, you gotta have-a music
    You need really catchy music
    This song has got plenty of music
    But just six words, child

    And so I'll sing' em over
    And over and over and over
    And over and over and over, mm-mm
    And over and over and over
    And over and over and over again

    Six words long, six words long
    Six words long, six words long
    Six words long, six words long

    This song is just six words long
    It's just six words long

  10. I hate it when I'm the millionth person to comment! Do you really read this far down, really?
    I do have you set to my home page, so I don't miss anything, even though you NEVER read NOR COMMENT on my blog, because you have some EXTREME distaste for Myspace :-( That's ok though, I still love you...and you wanna know why? Because you're MY J-Dizzle :-)
    Don't you love that none of this had anything to do with your post :-)
    Peace love and incense babe!

  11. Well I'm glad you're back online! Texas didn't win their opener either. But they made up for it yesterday. I'm going on Sunday to The Ballpark. Yeah, I know, it's now Ameriquest Field. But to me, it will always be The Ballpark. Damn commercialism.

  12. Lindsy: I'm living on the air in Cincinnati. Cincinnati, WKRP... I wish.

    Dorothy: Cute. True. But still, I'll turn up that George Harrison song everytime and sing along. I like stuff you don't have to think about. Puke! That's a funny word.

    Arlene: Well maybe if you checked it every two hours like you should, you wouldn't be so far down. And yes, of course I read every comment.

    Peace, love, and incense? What, are you GroovyChick now? ;-)

    Lass: Yeah. Same thing with college football bowl games. There are no more Bluebonnet and Tangerine bowls. Now it's Capital One and Carquest and the like.

  13. I am my father's daughter. I grew up old school with the Boston Celtics when Larry Bird owned the three-point shot; the Atlanta Braves when Dale Murphy swug the bat and they were guaranteed to have a losing season...and of course, the Crimson Tide. I never quite gained his affinity for golf, though. And I think he quit watching the Braves when they became a commodity. Stubborn ol' man. And I defer to my opener.

  14. I love the way you stealthily avoided the fact that YOU DON'T READ MY BLOG! Snot! Don't make me boycot you ;-)
    I knew I got that peace thing somewhere, but I couldnt' remember where :-)
    BTW, in my defense, you're like a million hours ahead of me!

  15. Glad you're back. I always enjoy the times when Lindsy reads your blogs out loud to us at home. When you're gone we can't do that :( I hope my computer doesn't catch what yours had.

  16. Geez...
    I've gone days without commenting.
    Glad you are back at it.

  17. Tenacious One: I never liked the Braves much after those days either. Murphy, Horner, Chambliss, Hubbard, Benedict, Fulton County Stadium... Those were the days.

    Arlene: Why can't you just have a regular blog like everyone else over the age of 19? ;-) And I did read it. And comment.

    Krista: I can only imagine that goes on all over the country. Someone reads Bone's blog aloud for their roomates :)

    Sherry: Glad you are back commenting :)

  18. Why can't you just bite me J-Dizzle? ;-)
    And you rock for reading and commenting! You're my favorite J-Dizzle!

  19. Arlene: OK, so now everyone is going to know my secret hip-hop identity :)
