
Monday, November 14, 2005

Another first (& California pics)

Just finished watching the Cowboys come from behind to beat the Eagles 21-20! I hope you all enjoyed that as much as I did, although I know some of you didn't. Hey, at least one of my teams won this weekend. It was tough driving home from the game Saturday. As you've probably heard by now, Bama lost in overtime, 16-13. I take losses much better now than I used to, however. I'm not sure if this is because I'm getting older or what. Maybe it's because losses have become much more frequent the past couple of years, unfortunately. Whatever the case, there was a time a few years ago when I'd go to my room and bury my head in a pillow for thirty minutes or more after Alabama lost a football game. Now I only do that on rare occasions, such as Jessica Sierra being voted off American Idol.

OK, on with tonight's post. Life has been full of change and new experiences lately. A new place to live. A newer car. My first massage. My first time to fly. My first trip to California. My first time to sing a Debbie Gibson song in a public forum. And tonight, I experienced yet another first. My first time to use an automatic dishwasher. Ever. OK, so perhaps this is not as earth-shattering as some of the other "firsts," but still. This is the first place I have ever lived with a dishwasher. Never had one growing up. So at last, I've crossed the threshold that separates Palmolive and dishpan hands from the sweet sound of the low hum of the automatic dishwasher. By the way, thanks to BE, who answered my questions on how to use said dishwasher. And this would probably be a good time to warn you that if you are a girl, especially a cute one, and I have your phone number, email address, and/or screen name, I am allowed and liable to contact you at any time to ask advice on things such as fashion, personal hygiene and grooming, cooking, and various other tasks.

I can only imagine the other firsts that are yet to come. My first pedicure? My first time to date sisters? Or roomates? (No, I never actually did that. Despite what you may hear, a few kisses and flirtatious groping does not constitute a date.) The possibilities are seemingly endless. Yes, it appears we've opened up a whole new can of worms here. And not gross, grimy bait worms either. But long, pretty, colorful worms. What the crap am I even talking about? Did I mention I only got about three hours of sleep last night? This would probably be a good time to mention that.

And on a completely random change of subject, here are a few pics from my trip last month to California (click to enlarge):

This one is actually my current wallpaper. Sunset on the Pacific Ocean...

The famed Hollywood sign. Despite my plans to take a picture while standing atop the "H" (or even better atop that tower just to the right of the sign), this would be about as close as I got...

And, another ocean pic...

Unfortunately, none of the pics of Jennifer and I turned out well enough to post. You know how girls can be about looking just right in pictures. Honestly, I think she's actually worried that Vince might see them. He's kinda been stalking me lately. He's really weird about me answering her phone. And me calling late at night to say she's left another pair of... um... sunglasses in my car. I'm like, baby, he's just a rebound guy. I think she's just about over it.

"Where I come from isn't all that great. My automobile is a piece of crap. My fashion sense is a little whack and my friends are just as screwy as me..."


  1. Now those are some awesome pics!! I'm jealous over the dishwasher...I intend on getting one when I finally get around to getting a new kitchen. Also on that agenda is a built in wine cooler. Now that's living!!

  2. Carnealian: Thanks. I actually forgot my camera for some of the sight-seeing. Good luck on getting the dishwasher. I (sort of) know how to use one now. Nothing melted, at least.

    Lass: As a bachelor, I definitely rely on and appreciate a female point of view on many things. Your two cents worth is always welcome.

    Yes, I was sort of hoping to have a girlfriend by the time the holidays rolled around... for the office party, family gatherings, etc. I could always register if you think that would help :-P

  3. I never realized it was that isolated. It was like the first thing I thought of that I wanted to see when I decided to visit SoCal.

    Sorry about the worm. Thought it was kinda pretty :-)
