
Monday, August 12, 2024

Day is done

Backyard fireflies flicker in dusk light
Sliver of a silver August moon
Through Saharan dust haze
Soft breeze moves birch tree leaves
Traveler, put your cares away
It's end of day

Dog day cicadas sing summer's tune
Shades of blazing sunset hues
Slowly surely melt away
Bury all of your futile regrets
Deep beneath cold Earth clay
At end of day

Darkness anon will settle in
Greet you like a trusted friend
May the sky astound always
Take ye no thought for the morrow
No good comes from trouble borrowed
It's end of day

Tally what's been won and lost
And when you've figured up the cost
Throw the bill away
Nocturne bliss is all around
The grass is cool on stolen ground
At end of day

Ponder on how small we are
Marvel how the nearest star
Is still four lightyears away
What might have beens will never do
Put them to bed, clear the queue
It's end of day


  1. I find the lightning bugs or early summer such a hopeful sign, but by mid-August, there are not so many of them left out in my hayfield. I love watching the goldfinches or listening to the distant Black-billed Cuckoo.

    1. Lightning bugs seemed so much more plentiful when I was a kid. I'm always thankful to see a few nowadays.
