
Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Profane refrain

We might talk about the weather or the football team
Or how the kids are back looking like James Dean
Might help a stranger, might not feel so confused
If we would all stop watching the goddamned news

Might drink a little less, smile a little more
Not feel like the whole damn country's at war
Pull back the curtains on a Van Gogh view
I won't be persuaded by the goddamned news

My Momma, she's afraid of everything
I said, "Momma, there's a life you're not living
Jesus loves the children, red, purple, and blue
Turn on Andy Griffith, turn off the news

Many spew lies behind a virtual wall
If you can't say it nice don't say it at all
Won't judge my neighbor, haven't walked in his shoes
And I'm so sick of the goddamned news

An ostrich don't bury its head in fear
They do it 'cause they've got babies in there
What kind of world will we leave our babies to
If we keep on listening to the goddamned news

Hard to know what's real, hard to know what's fake
Seems we're low on compassion and high on hate
Whatever happened to the golden rule
They never mention that on the goddamned news 

Won't let 'em determine my right and wrong
Gonna try to live more outside of my phone
Edward R Murrow where have you gone to
Wish we could turn our weary eyes to you

Money talks louder than "we the people" are
As long as they keep us afraid and apart
I'll keep reading the books they tell me not to
Won't pay my attention to the goddamned news

If we all turned it off wonder would we see
It's not all darkness and catastrophe
The enemy never was me or you
But you wouldn't know that from the goddamned news


  1. I'm soon off on a five day mini vacation and as per habit, I rarely watch or listen to any news during those trips. Instead I focus on books and the world around me. Not once upon my return have I ever regretted missing something that happened while I was away.

    1. There's definitely an inverse relationship between how happy I am and how much news I watch.

  2. This makes me think of that old Anne Murray song, A Little Good News.

    I have been distancing myself from the news as much as I can. I would way rather listen to stories from the kids.

    1. Good song. I may have to put that one on this morning as all I can remember is "Nobody hmmm hmmm hmm hmm, somebody hmm hmm hmm hmm." And that will probably get annoying to my co-workers.

  3. I like it. The news can be so disheartening and can keep us at war with others, which is not helpful. Thanks.

    1. Thanks. Disheartening is a good way to describe it.
