
Friday, January 30, 2009

I remember January

I remember January
The cold and the gray
The fight we had
The sky so sad
It cried for us that day

I remember angry words
And no thing left unsaid
The icy stares
The way it tears
When you know love is dead

I remember January
Like it was yesterday
Praying for death
Gasping for breath
Watching you walk away

I remember darkness
I thought would never end
My cursed pride
Our last goodbye
Losing my only friend

I remember January
The loss and the regret
I remember
Because I can't forget


  1. I don't know which is my favorite stanza.

    It's beautiful Bone. Sparse and unyielding

    It so wonderfully captures heartbreak

    Each stanza ends with a great line and there are great lines inbetween

    It's kind of like a jewel in a gift box--dark gray or black

    Each time I reread it I have a new favorite stanza. This is it now
    remember darkness
    I thought would never end
    My cursed pride
    Our last goodbye
    Losing my only friend

    I think it would make a great song but I usually think that of your poems

  2. Gee, thanks for making me relive all my break ups.

    Besides the emergence of these memories, I really dig it. I'm a sucker for a sad poem that I can relate to AND which rhymes.

  3. Oh how beautiful and for anyone that has ever known heartbreak this poem makes it so really even if it was forever and a day ago that your heart was broken.

  4. You've always had a way of pulling out hearts and stomping them with your mere (which really, are anything but mere) words, Bone. And I mean that as the highest possible compliment.

    My cursed pride
    Our last goodbye
    Losing my only friend

    I think we've all let foolish pride take away something - someone - we love. Often times, we don't even realize it until they're long gone.

    P.S. You should write more poetry and song lyrics. Or, if you already do, you should post them more often. For some reason, all of us girls flock back to get our hearts broken, time after time :)

  5. Bone, that was so heart wrenching...and evoked some really powerful emotions.

    The icy stares
    The way it tears
    When you know love is dead

    Heartbreak beautifully expressed! When I read those words, I flashed back to my own memories of this exact moment in my life.

  6. It is beautiful and sad.

    For me breakup has been so long ago and now that I'm happily married I see how silly and non-important all those breakups were... but if my situation were to change I know I would feel this way too.

  7. I know this post isn't the most appropriate place for this, but it's about the only place I can reach you.

    Your comment on my blog was too funny! I'll let DD know.

  8. That was awesome Bone, I will have to stop by more often. I like to live vicariously through people who can actually write poetry.

  9. Absolutely beautiful. Mine was this past December. Replacing 'January' with 'December' actually kind of adds something because you get the 'remember December's. Your poetry evokes strong emotions- it feels so good to feel! I can't express how thankful I am that you posted this. Keep it up, and best wishes.

  10. Pia - Sparse and unyielding, I like that. Can I use that for my tag line? :)

    Yeah, most of my attempts at poetry tend to come out more like song lyrics.

    Thank you.

    Murf - You're welcome :) Between the Wendy's guy and this, I figure we've got you firmly entrenched in the past.

    PennyCandy - Thanks so much. What a nice compliment.

    TC - Thanks. I never have so much confidence in my poetry though. I'm much more confident in my ability to write about encounters that never really happened at fast food establishments.

    Fledgling Poet - Thank you. That means a lot. I am always amazed by your poetry.

    Renee - At the time, they seem like everything. And I think some of them can linger.

    What do you mean you can't reach me? I'm on Facebook at least once every two weeks! :)

    Cooper - Thanks. I like to live vicariously through people who live in New York. Also people who actually get snow where they live.

    Anonymous - Thank you. I think it always helps a little to hear a song that expressed exactly how you felt or read some words and know someone else had gone through the same thing. Thanks for stopping by.

  11. Bone, that was very good! It's been a while since you published poetry or heartbreaking stories and you got them both here. You know, of all the breakups I had in my past, none were ever in January (it's more economical to break up BEFORE Christmas). Sorry to be such a smart-a**, I really do like the poem.

  12. Good one!

    I thought it was gonna be about the drabby January weather.

  13. Very nice poem.

    Honestly, I do not understand how you are still a single guy. Those girls out there don't know what they're missing!

  14. I currently live in Maryland so I reminisce about New York, sadly you can only live semi- vicariously through pia now. ;)

  15. Sizzle - Thank you.

    Sage - Thanks. I have been accused of orchestrating pre-holiday break-ups before, too. Falsely, of course.

    Kerry - Ah, normally that'd be a good guess. But I've already done my annual blah January post for the year.

    Xinh - Yes! And the ones who do know what they're missing don't seem to mind all that much :)

    Cooper - I know! With her southern migration, I am now forced to live vicariously through people who live in The Hills.

  16. I think I'm more of a New Yorker than anybody in The Hills and obviously spend more time there

    I have read highly ranked blogs that are supposedly authorities on life in New York that ask truly stupid questions such as why proximity to Fairway is important to higher real estate values. Not that there are high real estate values at this moment

    You could answer that question based on my tutelage. I didn't answer that question for various reasons.

  17. It's okay, Bone. There's always next year for the Cardinals.

    But wow! You really take your Football seriously, don't you?

  18. bone this is so sad and so beautiful it had a melodic flow to it, I think u should send it to Jason Mraz! have u heard his new album? I am in love with it.

  19. Nice.

    More evidence that January sucks.

  20. Forgive me,
    I was born in June-
    that's probably my worst excuse.
    I gotta say it-
    it's neccesary-
    I blame my problems on January.
    -Micah Dalton

    Loved this. Seriously. I've read it about a million times. And sent it to all of my friends. Amazing.

  21. The simplicity of it enforces the thoughts...

    BTW, troll is off my blog!

    Thanks for your support..
