
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Through the eyes of a child

My blog friend Cami is doing a walk Saturday to help raise money for breast cancer. I hope you'll click over and help her out if you can. Not only is it for a most important cause, but she's also a Bama fan.

I think you like the outdoors. Whenever we walk outside, you get completely quiet. It's as if you are overwhelmed by all the sights and sounds and are just taking it all in. I try and look at the world through your eyes. I see the greens of the trees and the blues of the sky and wonder what it must be like seeing them for the first time.

I shield your eyes from the sun, and I think how someone must have done the same for me. You cling to my sleeve with your tiny hand and I cannot imagine a more precious sight.

Turning your head, you find me. And I smile until my face literally hurts, because lately my only goal in life seems to be bringing a smile to yours. There is a hint of one. It is gone as quickly as it came. But it makes me think you are happy. And so I am happy.

Through your eyes, I see the world anew. Vivid colors and the sweet sounds of life replace the grays and noise of my previously jaded view. I see a world that still has a lot of good in it. I see a future with endless possibilities for you, stretched out as far and wide as the East is from the West.

I think about my life. About unfulfilled potential and dreams not chased. Somehow, looking thru your eyes, I realize many of those same possibilities still exist for me, even now. I want to be a better person for you, an uncle you can look up to. And I want you to have so much more than I ever did.

You have reminded me that life is a wondrous and magical thing. That there are few things more important than eating and sleeping. And that people are generally most content and carefree when they are completely naked.

A sudden stiff breeze causes your head to jump, your eyes to close, and for the briefest instant it steals your breath. And I wonder when I lost that ability.

As we start back inside, you turn your head for one more look at the great wide world. Still completely quiet. Still clinging to my sleeve. But it is I who is wrapped securely around your finger.

"I hear babies cry. I watch them grow. They'll learn much more than I'll never know. And I think to myself, what a wonderful world..."


  1. Darn you Bone. Make me cry :)

    You and I could begin an aunt/uncle blog

  2. ahh that's so sweet! It only gets better when it's your own child!

    and yes also have a spare toothbrush in case yours gets accidentally knocked into the toilet! ;)

  3. What an eloquent writer you are.

  4. What a nice post! I was an uncle in my 20s, I became a dad at 40 (there's hope for you!). And I miss small children and relish any chance I get to play with one, but I also love watching my daughter grow up... Enjoy being an uncle--spoil your nephews and nieces and give them loud toys!

    I responded to your advice to go and stand at the site of Forbes Field I use to be there quite often! It's now the site of the main library for the Univ. of Pittsburgh

  5. that was lovely bone... i can hardly wait till you have children of your own... you sound very much like father material.......

  6. Admittedly, I'm somewhat of an emotional rollercoaster lately anyway, but I totally teared up reading this. Thank you for sharing it with us and I hope that someday you share it with him, too.

    There is nothing like a child to remind you of the good in the world. This post made me feel like going and grabbing one of my favorite little ones to see that for myself.

    P.S. Give him a couple of months until he's big enough to enjoy being tossed over your head. Your arms will feel like jello but you won't want to stop because his giggling will be the best music you've ever heard and you'll find yourself laughing along with him without even realizing it. I'd swear to it :)

  7. Pia - Sounds good. I'll work on composing a few helpful uncling tips to get us started.

    Renee - Actually, I don't have a spare toothbrush, but that's an excellent idea. Nothing that falls in the toilet should ever be used again.

    Balou - Why, thank you for the kind words.

    Sage - Between you and Kenny Rogers, I still have plenty of time. I like your loud toy idea. Thanks.

    Paisley - Thank you. This nephew thing is so amazing, I can't fathom what having a son or daughter must be like.

    Hotpink - Thanks!

    Someone - There is nothing like a child to remind you of the good in the world.

    You said it. I can only imagine. I'm already smiling more than I have at any time in my life other than the Glamour Shots incident.

  8. Bone, you have such a poetic heart. very rare. ;)

  9. Brilliant writing, and so true.

    On the way home a couple of nights ago my kids were playing the repeating game (well it's not normally a game but a method of annoying the other sibling) until Liz and I joined in, which cracked our 4 y/old daughter up. Then we mimicked her laughter and our son broke into hysterics, too, and for a good minute or so the car was just filled with laughter.

    There aren't many moments better than those.

  10. sppt: You did...they were just called "action figures."

  11. If you think it's amazing with your nephew, wait until you have one of your own!

    You are doing a great job as The Godfather. Sorry I called you The Grandfather the other day. That's quite a big difference!

    When you have your own kid, you'll see what I'm talking about. I hate working so much right now, because I know there are little things I am missing, but hopefully it will be worth it in the long run!

  12. I relate to this completely as I am also a new (and way tooooo proud) auntie.

    Just wait until he starts laughing and cooing at all of those wonderful sounds and colors. It just keeps getting better!

  13. C & J - Thank you.

    Capn John - Thanks much. Yeah, I can only imagine. I don't think there was ever a doubt that I wanted to have kids someday. But if there was before, there definitely isn't now.

    Java - Ha! That's OK. It reminded me of Married...With Children when Bud was going by Grandmaster B. Kelly called him Grandfather B once, I think.

    Blondie - Oh yeah, he giggles a little and coo's a lot. There's not much better than that.

  14. An Ahhh moment, can't wait to read more. We never get over wanting them, even after the kids are grown.

    Leon used to respond to "do it again, Daddy" with "One more, no more".... but it kept repeating and repeating: one more push on the swing, one more book read. One more sure won out to no more. Hope you are exercising your arms.

  15. An Ahhh moment, can't wait to read more. We never get over wanting them, even after the kids are grown.

    Leon used to respond to "do it again, Daddy" with "One more, no more".... but it kept repeating and repeating: one more push on the swing, one more book read. One more sure won out to no more. Hope you are exercising your arms.
