
Sunday, May 11, 2008


(Here's my entry for 3 Word Wednesday. This week's words are: cautious, human, maybe)

I've seen grand plans turn to nothing
Got good news out of the blue
Been called to my father's bedside
I know what prayer can do

I've said maybe when I meant no
And no when I meant yes
I've been not quite good enough
And once or twice I was the best

I've been cautious to a fault
And I've thrown caution to the wind
I've disappointed those I cared about
But I've tried to be a better friend

I've trusted way too easy
And put up insurmountable walls
Hated myself, been too full of myself
And wondered if I mattered at all

The candles on the cake don't lie
But it's so hard to believe
The mirror might betray me now
But inside I'm still nineteen

I've believed when there was no reason to
And I've gotten scared and run
I've learned words can't be unsaid
Deeds can't be undone

I've laughed until I cried
Tried to cry but no tears would fall
I've been too proud to pick up the phone
I'm not proud of that at all

I've cursed the skies for raining
And I've played in the rain
I'm still unable to forgive myself
For times that I've caused pain

I'm human



  1. bravo!!! oh bone that was so perfect.. i don't think there is a human alive that cannot identify with your words here.. and the very thought that i didn't have to be the repentant one this time,, gave me the special pleasure of joining with you,, as we said these words together... thank you .. this was perfection.

  2. Bone if you don't have this set to music I will

    As Paisley said--perfection

    It's so wise. Sounds as if a 70 year old wrote it--but one with great rhythm--and an incredible facility for words

    It's one of my very favorite things of yours

    And thanks for that wonderful comment :)

  3. You did it again. I always leave this blog thinking, "No wait, that was my favorite."

  4. I'm with Pia...this is a song in the making...really wonderful!

  5. "I've believed when there was no reason to
    And I've gotten scared and run
    I've learned words can't be unsaid
    Deeds can't be undone

    I've laughed until I cried
    Tried to cry but no tears would fall
    I've been too proud to pick up the phone
    I'm not proud of that at all"

    These two stanzas stood out for me. I relate with this so much. Does it feel goodto be human with all our failings?

  6. Awesome. You are awesome :)

  7. Paisley - Thank you for the very kind words. I thought and hoped it would be easily relatable, but it takes people like you commenting to affirm that :)

    Pia - I'll call Rodgers & Hammerstein.

    Wise? Me? :) Thank you.

    Charlotta - Aww, how nice of you. I appreciate that. All these comments are making me smile.

    Jeri - Thanks! I've been thinking in lyrics rather than fiction here lately.

    Gautami - I think it helps to remember that sometimes when we mess up. And I for sure try to keep in mind that everyone else is human, too. Well, unless the X Files are true, then who knows.

    Genie - Thank you.

  8. You've written some beautiful, amazing things in five years of blogging, Bone (and I imagine you'll continue to do so, even if you don't choose to share them with us), but this one is easily one of the most amazing pieces of yours I've ever read.

    I've been trying - and failing - all day to come up with a comment worthy of this post. In my mind, there isn't one. It's amazing.

    I'm human


    I, personally, wouldn't want you to be any other way :)

  9. Cursed the skies for raining, and played in the rain... Perfection

  10. You capture the essence of a man growing older and wiser, full of contradictions, human frailty, humility and honesty. The flow of words matches so well the honesty of experssion. Great poem, bone.

  11. I just follow the recipe on the french fried onions can for the green bean casserole...but since I love mushrooms I also put in a small can of sliced mushrooms.

    Loved your poem!

    Hey, you could make this for your Mom! ;)

  12. I keep reading this because it says so much, and I feel tor pride :)

  13. Beautiful. Simply beautiful.

  14. bravo... brilliant... so true

  15. I suppose the human thing to do would toss a cautious 'maybe' into the mix.
    Maybe it'll all turn out well.

    I went out to the grave today and criwed some more.
    And he ain't even human.
    Screw cautios.
    Screw prayer.
    Maybe screw whatever it was that made me ever thing that there was a GOD up there listenning to anything I had to say. or ask for. or beg for.

    Sometimes the pain just overwhelms you. Me. Anybody.
    It doesn't have anything to do with anything.
    We are stupid humans who have no idea of what anything really is.

    Don't believe that?
    try this....

    I'm struck by Jack Nicholson's lament at the piano in 'As Good As It Gets' (with Helen Hunt and Greg Kinear and Cuba Gooding Junior)

    "For a dog!" and he gently laughs at himself.

    ....for a dog.

  16. Bone, This was touching. I am going to share it!

    Happy 3WW.

  17. I enjoyed reading your poem, Bone.

  18. Love this.
    Love when I peek in long enough to find something so brilliant.
    I love all of your faults and everything else that makes you one of the greatest friends I've ever had.

  19. This is really really good! I agree with all the praises the other people said in the comments! I can so identify with what you write too. And it's beautifully said. I'm off to read your other poems now!

  20. Bone, You are such a phenomenal writer and I oh so love reading your words. Whenever I visit here I am never disappointed. Lyical yes- but heart felt, raw, real, timeless...thank you!

  21. What a talent you have...putting inner feelings like that into such eloquent words. Thank you for sharing your gift with all of us.

  22. i had to change my domain name to please change your links and or feed as necessary

    all you will have to do is remove the - from between why and paisley,, everything else will remain the same and will redirect you to the correct page.... sorry for the inconvenience...
