
Thursday, February 14, 2008

Lime Green & Mulberry

I was all set to wax Bonetically today about VD, romance, and the like. Then I received a letter from Momma Bone this morning. And, well, all that other stuff can wait for another day, or year. I've edited it only slightly, to take out real names and a couple other minor things.

I hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's Day.

Valentine's Day 1973

by Momma Bone

Valentine's Day usually means a box of chocolates, roses, a nice card, or maybe a very nice dinner out at your favorite restaurant. And all of that is okay, but Valentine's Day 1973 meant so much more than all of that put together. That was the day we brought home a little 6 and a half pound baby boy by the name of Bone.

I know red is the normal color for Valentine's Day, but our little Valentine package came home in a little lime green shirt and pants that had been picked out at Woolworths long before I was ever married. I worked at the telephone company and everyday would walk to Woolworths on break, for lunch, or just to look around and pass some time.

The moment I laid eyes on that little outfit, I bought it, and put it back hoping for the day I would get lucky enough to have children. I bought the matching set for a little boy and a little girl. Several years later, I put the little girls outfit to use, too, when we brought home your sister.

I don't know how Uncle D got out of school as long as he did, but when Mamaw and Papaw came to Cullman to see you, Uncle D stayed with us to help me out at home. He kept the house looking pretty, would give you a bath every morning, dress you up for me, and bring you back to the bed so I could hold you.

He tells everybody now that I would lay back there and yell, "Bring me the baby." We didn't have the modern technology that they have now, so when I got home, I was in bed from that Tuesday until that Sunday morning that I couldn't even get up and take care of us. I remember there was a very nice convenience store across the road from the trailer park where we lived, and Uncle D would walk over there everyday and get what we needed in the way of food, diapers, and formula.

Grandmother worked in Huntsville, and every night when she got off work, she would come over and bring us a big supply of groceries to help Uncle D out during the day. Lots of nights, she would have supper already cooked and bring it to us. Dad worked during the day, and didn't have a lot of hours that he could be there with us. (I know you don't remember this probably, but years later Grandmother was on her way to our house with supper when she had her bad car wreck.)

And during the summer months of 1973, Uncle D came back and lived with us and got him a part time job at a little ice cream place in Cullman that no longer is there. He really loved Cullman, and in years following we would take him and Uncle R on vacation when we went to Tennessee.

There were two front lots at the trailer court (right next door to the big technical school at Vinemont now) and we were lucky enough to have the lot under the big mulberry tree. Thank goodness for that because as you got a little older and a little louder, the only way to keep you from crying was to take you outside and let you feel those mulberry leaves.

Don't ask me why, but I know that it worked. Uncle D would get you in your stroller after the weather got pretty, and take you outside under the mulberry tree, and you were satisfied. Did not cry at all once you saw the mulberry leaves.

Thought you might enjoy seeing a picture of you under that mulberry tree. The tree that I still glance over and look at every Tuesday when I head down through Cullman County.

Happy Valentine's Day, cause you sure have made mine happy since 1973.


  1. Yeah, you definitely get it from your Mom.

    Hope you wanted to make girls cry on Valentine's Day.

  2. This is so beautiful First Baby Bone :)

    And yes you make girls cry on VD

    MommaBone is a great writer :)

  3. what a sweet letter/post. thanks for sharing it with us, bone.

  4. you aren't the only writer in your family. What a great letter to get from your mom. Happy Valentines!

  5. OH MY GOD! How cute is your mom? I wish my mom felt the same way about Bastille Day as your mom does.

  6. about Valentine's day.

    Sorry I hit the publish button too fast.

  7. that's so sweet! and yup, the writing apple didn't fall far from that tree. I can just see the pride in that letter.

    Happy Valentines Day Bone!

  8. That's the sweetest post... I'm sure you treasure that letter.

  9. That was way better than the card from my mom. Although the $25 check made up for it.

  10. What a lovely letter!

    I'm sure we'd all enjoy seeing the picture of you under that mulberry tree...

  11. TC: Hey, I didn't do anything. That was all Momma Bone.

    Pia: Thanks. I always thought she was. And let's never say First Baby Bone again, OK? :)

    Sizzle: I was pretty proud to post it. Thanks for reading it.

    Charlotta: That's a very nice thing to say. Thank you. And Happy Valentine's to you.

    Hotpink: Bastille Day? Wow, I was confused there for a sec :)

    Renee: Thanks. That seems to be the prevailing sentiment. Happy Valentine's Day to you.

    Gay: Most definitely. It's priceless.

    Melanie: Haha. That was pretty good, Cheerleader. I chuckled.

    Rachel: I thought about that. I'll have to find someone with a scanner.

  12. I will never say FBB again--if you think about changing your screenname to Mulberry or something...


  13. bone that was so awesome... thank you mama bone for this lovely heartfelt post... happy valentines day to both of you.....

  14. Another girl cryin' over here. That was just so sweet of Momma Bone to write that!

  15. well that's more than I can handle on this valentine's day! so sweet! love moms- they're great!

    and- cullman? who knew? my roomie is from cullman! and channing tatum. and you! what a great city! love it!

  16. How sweet! It's so cool that your mom wrote you such a sweet valentine - it's something to cherish always.

    Where's the picture of you under the Mulberry tree? I bet it's cute!

  17. Oh my gosh. I have tears welling up in my eyes. What a beautiful letter for your mother to send you on Valentines.

    The other night, I asked Zed what he was getting me for Valentines. He leaned over and gave me a kiss. Then I asked him who was his best girl. He paused. And then I told him "I" was his best girl, and would be until he got married. You're lucky that MommaBone is your best girl too.

  18. oh you were born V Day, wow! That's such a sweet mail from your mom, here's wishing you a wonderful year ahead, Bone.

  19. How beautiful. Having your mother's words spill across the page is the best Valentine's Day gift I can imagine you will ever get. Happy Valentine's Day/ Birthday.

    Now, where's that picture of you under the Mulberry Tree? I would love to see that.

    Also, tell you mother I said Happy V-Day.

  20. Your momma is a very sweet woman. You better cherish her and take good care of her too! ;o)

  21. picture of Baby Bone in lime green and under the Mulberry tree please, or just under the tree

    one of the ten thousands Bonetic fans.

    Boneamania begins....

  22. that was beautiful, thanks for sharing!

  23. Your relationship with your mother is so heartwarming!

  24. very sweet :)

  25. Look, pal, you made all the women cry. And for some reason I am not at all surprised by this.

  26. How sweet and loving! What a treasure, both your mother and the letter.

    Hope springs eternal.

  27. Very nice--I still have a letter my mom wrote me the night I graduated from high school (I know I felt a bit guilty, out partying and all, while she was writing away... I should pull it out again.

  28. my birthday is on Bastille Day.

  29. Pia: I actually saw a street sign that said "Mulberry Lane" the other day. I started to photograph it and make it my new Blogger profile pic.

    Paisley: Thanks. I hope you had a Happy Valentine's Day, too. Sorry I'm a week late :-/

    Jennifer: Well it meant the world to me. I'm glad it touched others, too.

    Cami: Yup, that's where I was born. Still make it down there once in awhile to eat at the All Steak.

    Cindy: Oh, it will be cherished always, if not framed or something.

    Renee: About time! Thanks for the alert :)

    Lass: Awww! That is so sweet of him. Bet you didn't like that none, huh? ;)

    UL: Well, a couple days before, actually. Thank you.

    Shelby: They're hard to beat.

    Michelle Johnson: Yeah, that's a pretty hard one to top.

  30. Grooviechick: Thank you. I will try. And happy early birthday to you, as well.

    OneOf10000: Will try to post it. It's really just a couple of big mulberry leaves, then a stroller with a tiny baby almost in the background. It could have been anyone.

    Carrie Sue: Thanks for reading.

    Xinh: Yeah, the health problems really put things into better perspective.

    Actonbell: Hey, it wasn't me! :)

    Kontan: Agreed.

    Heather B: Not surprised? Wait, is that a good thing or a bad thing?

    Christine: Yes, as I said earlier, it's priceless to me. Thanks for the nice comment.

    Sage: That's very cool. Something to always treasure.

    HotPink: Ah, OK. I don't think I knew that.

  31. Where is the picture of you under the tree?

    What a great mom to send you that letter! Now, did she really work for the phone company? 'Cause I did and used to walk to Woolworth's at lunch some, but in Florida.

  32. Marcia: I've been lagging around on finding someone to scan it in.

    Yes, she did work for the phone company, back when it was South Central Bell. That's kinda cool that you did, too :)
