
Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Welcome to Three Word Wednesday. Each week, I will post three (or more) words. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to write something using all of those words. It can be a few lines, a story, a poem, anything.

Leave a comment if you participate. Many fun and interesting people might visit your blog.

This week's words are:

jealousies persuade
temptation persists
privacy ignored
notebook opened

secrets read
heart laments
guilt engulfs
notebook closed

betrayal confessed
trust fractured
love unravels
eyes absent

notebook opened


  1. This I call is perfect timimg. These words fit right into a rant I posted.

    Here goes:

    tutorial and rant

  2. I posted! Actually posted the next chapter first as I have no idea what I'm doing
    my link wasn't accepted--will try to my blog only

  3. Just a short piece today, no time to write much.

  4. Hello everyone, this is Rose and as Gautami has said in her post, if you are at Blogger, please check your comment options and consider changing to allow OpenId. Thanks.

    My short story is called "The Teacher's Pet".


  5. I'm glad I have a blog called Mock Haiku, that way no one will ever mistake my poem(?) for a haiku.

  6. Are you going to post??? I need something to read.

  7. open Id doesn't work for my blog. Think it has to be hosted by one of the hosts listed, not by a "private" host

  8. I'm having one of my crazy months. I managed to fit the words in and played today, and I will try to get by and visit everyone later. I've missed you all!

    Norbert and Smedley Episode 58


  9. I have it posted! Have a great day!!

    My offering for this 3ww

  11. Fabulous words today - they lifted me right out of my post-nablopomo fatigue!


  12. If one more person tries to persuade me to watch 'The Notebook', I'm out...count me absent.

  13. What holiday would be complete without a little scrooge thrown in somewhere?

    Thanks for checking on my NaNo progress, Bone. It was another awesome lesson I needed to learn.

    Happy Holidays, everyone!

    Absence Makes the Heart Rebel

    Write From Karen

  14. I'm not absent but maybe I should be. :)


  15. Here's a poem for 3WW. Thanks for the prompt,Bones.

    Mirror Me in Dreams

  16. dang... i had to fight with every word this week... thanks bone!!!!


  17. I worked on this for hours today. Hours. It's done though, for which I am beyond grateful.

    I'll be around to read everyone else's later :)

    Chapter 22

    (If that doesn't work, which there is about a 98% chance it won't, you can just follow my profile. It's the first post.)

  18. Sweet! I can't believe it worked! :)

  19. ok its posted, i have to say school is getting the best of me...I hate the last 3 weeks of the semester!!

  20. Hello everyone! Here's mine "Freedom pt1" I hope to continue this piece later. I didn't want to be real late posting this week. Thanks Bone, for the words.

  21. Hi everyone, Simon's been taking a short break but he's back this week - a little late due to pressure of work. You can find him here.

  22. here are my two cents

  23. Friday afternoon, bored silly at work composed:

  24. Hey Friends, don't have a 3WW this week (don't ask,) but would like to share a new poem with the community. Bone, if this is illegal, feel free to delete (if you can,) if you can't, my apologies.


    Peace, Richard

  25. I feel good, mine is up before Bone's--actually I let Nevada jack do a little ranting today. here it is:

  26. Sorry, it took me awhile to get something posted this week. It's been hard to find time to write.

    Thank you all for participating. I'll try to be around sometime this weekend to read everyone's.

  27. You know, every single time you write poetry, I don't think it can top the time before it. And every single time, I'm wrong.

    Who hasn't been there? Who hasn't had that temptation? And who do you feel worse for - the one who read something that hurt them, or the one whose trust was betrayed?

    I'm one of the most impatient people I know, but I will say this: your work is always worth the wait.

  28. Love the notebook opened refrain--and the temptation of the open
    notebook--so hard not to look--so bad when you do--and the guilt
    taking over--but the sins confessed anyway. Do I have it right?
    Think so as I have been there. Never gave in but confessed anyway--I'm great at that, or used to be. Getting better.

  29. I'm exhausted and not sure I'm making sense today--possible paint thinner, mineral spirits, doorman overload I meant:

    possibly the temptation can be sin enough, and he who sins in his head, like Jimmy Carter--philosopher peanut farmer Nobel Prize winner president will confess anyway--know he said "lusted in his heart" but close enough

    Poem struck me like that

  30. Though it was explicit about notebook opened--secrets read, I felt it more guilt than true secrets and the betrayal could have been more the readers but I breathed in too much paint thinner today--and did I mention breathing in bleach trying to clean something that was the building's responsiblity and they were supposed to fix for a long time? Grew tired of cleaning the area around the kitchen plastic pipe--and closed it off

    Let me stop before I confess more things I didn't force the building to fix--in the interest of being the world's biggest wimp--and am literally paying for now

    The poem made me uneasy as I felt it too much

  31. That was well worth the wait indeed, very nice - guilt and pleasure at reading a notebook...very beautifully potrayed, loved it. Thanks Bone.

  32. Truly excellent work, Bone. A guilt conscience would weigh more heavily on my mind than any guilty pleasure I could derive from stealing a glimpse at a friend or partner's secret thoughts. I would feel like I was straddling an emotional tightrope. Your poem conveys that daredevil feat extremely well.

  33. Bone, great poem. I like the use of two words for each line. I don't know if that's a writing style or not but very well done.

  34. As lissa said the two words work very well.

    notebook closed
    Notebook opened

    Contain a visual in a nutshell.

    reading room

    PS: Till blogger fixes itself, I am leaving live links of my blogs. OpenID is not an option. Each Blogger user has to get an open idt account for it be really effective.
    That is not practically feasible.

  35. Bone, great poem. Reminded me of a time when I thought journals left in the open were all fair game because mine was. Silly me.

  36. TC: Why, thanks. That's very kind of you to say. Yeah, I think I liked the story that was told better than the poetry part of it.

    Pia: No, I agree. A trust has already been betrayed by the reader, regardless of what the book may or may not contain. And once that line is crossed, there's no turning back.

    UL: Thank you much :)

    Herb: Thanks. I would feel exactly the same way. The guilty conscience would outweigh everything else.

    Lissa: Haha. That's probably not a writing style :) But thank you.

    Gautami: Thank you. I'm very much a novice at poetry. Hopefully, Blogger gets its stuff straightened out very soon.

    RWells: Thank you. It's oh so tempting to take a peek sometimes.

  37. been absent so long I looked in my notebook to try to write a persuade to come back.

    I liked the one sittin' there. The twist felt right....
    "eyes absent.

    notebook opened"

    Been there way too much in m'lifetime.

  38. I forgot how much I miss your 3WW's.
    Beautiful, friend.

    So, what ever happened to you creating a blog for me?

  39. You are pretty darn good writer, with few words you've made a little story with lots of feelings that come across well.

  40. (Hmmm, I hope the above makes some sense).

  41. I'm surprised, particularly being this late to the game, that there aren't more comments exclaiming your brilliance with this post. You've managed to capture the nature of relationships and one's painful demise in only 26 words. Astounding.

    Mine's up. ~Lillith-Tenille

  42. Short but potent. Nice work Bone!!!

  43. geez, these are great words to work with..thank you for the opportunity to stretch the limits of my daily world...

    is this a test

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Bone,
    With precision you tell a whole tale of misery and woe. I've seen my son's journal lying around, and I refuse to open it. I think it would hurt too much knowing I betrayed him that way.

    I have read someone's diary, and just like you describe, it was an open and shut case. I felt like I had burned my eyes!

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. I love the slight e.e. cummings-esque feel of this. Your lack of punctuation or capitalization strengthens the words that much more.

    You've done it again.

    Mine, titled Not Today, has been up since Thursday. My apologies that it's taken me so long to get here.

  48. Sorry, I forgot to come back and comment on your post. You said all that needed to be said in such a short space. Keep up the good work.
