
Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Won't you be my neighbor?

I'm thinking about doing the Second Annual 80's Week here on IYROOBTY. I was looking back to last year, and 80's Week was the second week of November. We had an 80's themed 3WW, The Time I Almost Met John Stamos, and Where Are They Now: New Kids On The Block. Please let me know if there are any 80's topics you would like to see covered.

Hemingway had a Three Day Blow. I have a six day hiatus. I think this may officially be the longest period of time I have ever gone without blogging. Perhaps one of you who have my blog committed to memory can either confirm or deny that.

It just seems like the same old, same old here. Football and golf, football and golf. Sometimes I feel like my life is a Kibbles 'N Bits commercial, without the cute puppies.

I took a day off work Friday and played golf. (See? There's just no shock value there.) Little Joe and I teed off--that's golf lingo for "began a round"--shortly after Noon. My goal for the day was to play with no mulligans, which I accomplished. I also only lost one ball. But perhaps the outing can best be summed up by the following quote:

"I think I left my pitching wedge beside the sixth green."

Friday night was the bachelor party of the century, which I somehow managed to miss. It was held at Red Lobster.

Yes, that Red Lobster.

Because what better way to say adios to your single days than with a plateful of endless shrimp and a couple of cheesy biscuits. From their slogan, "Share The Love," to the tankful of naked lobsters located inside the restaurant, this place just screams party.

Unfortunately, by the time I got back in town, the screams had died down and the party had broken up. You know, because it was already 10:00 PM.

Saturday was a neighborly day in this beauty wood. I awakened to the sweet sounds of footsteps on stairs and objects banging into walls. Ah, yes. The new neighbors were moving in... at 6:30 in the morning!

The banging finally subsided a little after 8:00, but I never managed to get back to sleep. At some point during the weekend, the guy stopped by to introduce himself. His name is Rocky. I'm not joking.

On the bright side--and keep in mind this is all relative--they did put out a little decorative porch ornament thingy: a white plastic dog with a small lantern hanging from its mouth.

It really adds a touch of something to the entire complex. It's sort of that whole plastic flamingo vibe that has been missing here for so long. I just hope I don't accidentally step on it, or set it ablaze.

Finally, as I was leaving Saturday to go to the Bama game, I noticed an Auburn tag on the back of Rocky's car.

Sigh. There goes the neighborhood.

"I have always wanted to have a neighbor just like you. I've always wanted to live in a neighborhood with you..."


  1. Oh my withdrawals are finally over! You blogged! ;) Let's see the 80's... Punky Brewster and neon mismatched socks. I want to know how you feel about neon mismatched socks! I went to college with a "Rocky" who is also an Auburn fan, but no way is he married.

  2. Was I supposed to commit your blog to memory as part of the tor thing? Sorry
    ecause what better way to say adios to your single days than with a plateful of endless shrimp and a couple of cheesy biscuits. From their slogan, "Share The Love," to the tankful of naked lobsters located inside the restaurant, this place just screams party.
    This sounds so cheesy

    I wouldn't mess with a neighbor named Rocky who moves in at 6:30 AM--and is an Auburn fan

    Don't worry. He'll probably move out at 2AM

    This is one of your make me laugh out loud posts

    I want to bring back huge shoulder pads and big hair--well I bring back big hair without trying

    I don't want to bring back Phil Collins

    Oh Miami Vice--the show, not the movie

    And Versace if you can channel the dead

    I want most of the 80's back

    You can have a battle of John Stamos V Scott Baio--with the grown up Olsen sisters as bait--just a suggestion

    Not New Kids on the Block, please not

    I would work on the life thing. A Kibbles 'N Bit commercial doesn't sound fun

    Or I would work on getting published--just a suggestion

  3. ..."tankful of naked lobsters located inside the restaurant, this place just screams party...Unfortunately, by the time I got back in town, the screams had died down and the party had broken up. You know, because it was already 10:00 PM."
    " decorative porch ornament thingy: a white plastic dog with a small lantern hanging from its mouth... I just hope I don't accidentally step on it, or set it ablaze."
    Hee hee heeee :)

  4. The 80's? Aqua Net and huge bangs for girls, mullets for boys. Leg warmers, miniskirts...give me some time for the pain meds to wear off and a few more brain cells and I'll think of something :)
    And I've missed ya this ought not go without posting for so long...we have withdrawals, you understand...

  5. lol... there goes the neighborhood!

    I probably wont be able to do the 3ww unless you post really really early or send me the words tonight! I hate that I have been missing so many! Sorry! I really do look forward to it! =]

  6. a plastic dog with a lantern in its mouth?

    who MAKES these things?!


  7. Melanie: Yes, yes. Sorry about the withdrawals. Well, I never wore any mismatched socks, not intentionally anyway. But I do have a great affinity for anything 80's.

    Pia: Yeah, if I just disappear all of a sudden, you know where to look first.

    Honestly, as long as they don't make a lot of noise, they could put one of those fake palm trees on the porch and I wouldn't care.

    And Phil Collins never left :)

    GirlFPS: Glad you got a hee or three out of that :)

    Jennifer: Thanks. I will try to never be gone for this long again :) I remember when bangs were hot.

    Kate: Well I will try to post really, really early then.

    Sizzle: Exactly. They're available online. You know, if you're looking to spruce up that cute apartment of yours. Just google: plastic dog with lantern.

  8. . . . one of you who have my blog committed to memory . . . I plead the fifth and refuse to pose possible hiatuses (hiati?) secondary to self-incrimination. However, let it be known that you were missed. Sometimes the everyday business of living interferes with our good intentions of writing.

    I can beat the Bachelor Party. Oh yes, I can. A friend's very white-trash cousin got married, yes MARRIED, in a Red Lobster. We like to tell ourselves that the newlyweds left under a hail of biscuits and croutons in leiu of birdseed or bubbles.

    Poor Bone, sounds like you and the neighbor shant be fast friends. :( The only thing worse than an Auburn fan is a LSU one. What is it with teams with Tiger mascots??? They're all unbearable!

  9. as we knew it would be, rumors of my DH's demise were greatly overrated. The hemotologist looked at the current tests vs his last tests and said he was fine...but wants to look at his thyroid and make him eat his vegetables. LOL

    re: the 80's I can't think of anything that I want to relive about then...well maybe some of the music. Ooooh what about MTV when it was really about music?

  10. Sorry...

    I missed the 80's (I was doing med school, internship and residency). I've been relying on you to tell me what I missed.

    Now the 70's... got you covered there. I find I make a great team with my Personal Trainer (the new one, who I like better--I'm only old enough to be his babysitter, not his mother) because between the two of us, we can name pretty much all the songs/artists that play. I don't feel the pain nearly as much if we're arguing over the music. (Some of his guesses are outrageous... he had AC/DC mixed up with Guns 'n Roses last week... I should get some sort of a gimme on that one, don't ya think? Like maybe he does half my push-ups? But he'd get me back with the 80's.)


  11. You don't know the 80's, really know the 80's, unless you remember Phil Collins being everywhere--he played at Live Aid--twice--London & Philadelphia

    He was theme music for TV series. He was pleasant enough but became soooooo boring

    Gay I love the 70's also. The music was amazing' the lifestyle was over the top. OK my life--but there's something so endearing about the 80's

    Renee, MTV began in 81. It was incredible and if I might brag, my dad starred in an MTV commercial that I have to put on DVD

    He was the director's accountant and looked like a "successful middle age business man" though he was 70--he was very proud of being called "middle aged" by the newspaper of record

    But he refused to believe me when I told him that MTV was a TV station that played music 24/7
    "no Pia you're wrong. A few hours a day."

    Maybe one reason I like the 80's so much was that my parents were so cute--and no longer danced to the Village People at diners--which was a total embarrassment

    Bone as far as I can tell you can be found in your apartment, at the golf range, not at Red Lobster, and at work too much

  12. lol

    I wish you had been to the party. Can you just write a story about what happened? Fictional of course.

  13. Reading the comments to the post, I feel totally superfluous. It's like I have no value whatsoever to add :-/

    All I can tell you is... the dog we had growing up really liked Kibbles 'N Bits, and I always thought he was a pretty smart dog :)

  14. I looooooove the 80's! Last year's was great and I'll be looking forward to reading this year's. :)

  15. Avery: Wow. Yes, I think a Red Lobster wedding trumps a Red Lobster bachelor party.

    Renee: Oh that's terrible news, Renee. Vegetables? Poor DH :)

    Gay: He confused GNR with AC/DC? Yeah, there should definitely be some sort of penalty for that.

    Actonbell: I think my Mom likes Red Lobster, too. Seems like I remember her raving about the cheesy biscuits before.

    That is too bad. Maybe someone could snap a pic when they're gone. Or do the vehicles not run?

    Pia Savage: Oh, I remember Phil. "One More Night" was my prom theme, even though it was like five years old at the time.

    Wait a second, did you just reply to all my comments? Thanks! :)

    And I only dance for small groups of two people or less.

    Hotpink: Well, I like to keep my blog family-friendly for the most part, so I'm not sure how much I could share here :)

    TC: Way to come up with something that hasn't already been said. That was pretty good.

    Redneck Girl: Thanks! I enjoyed last year's, as well. I'm just not sure what to write about if I do another.

  16. Ahhh, an AU neighbor. Yep, there goes the neighborhood. Property values should skyrocket now. Cgrats Bone! :)

  17. Kontan: Haha. Good to hear from you, my AU friend.

  18. You poor thing. Aging is getting to you, isn't it, grin.

    At least they didn't still have the foam red lobster hats they used to shove on birthday 'heads' and take a photo... but then it may have livened up the party.

  19. University of Montana remains undefeated!

    That's right. The Grizzlies ROCK.
