
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

3WW #54

Welcome to Three Word Wednesday. Each week, I will post three (or more) words. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to write something using all of those words. It can be a few lines, a story, a poem, anything. I'll also attempt to write something using the same words.

Leave a comment if you participate. Many fun and interesting people might visit your blog.

This week's words are:

Perfume hint caught
Memory sparked
That year I was in love

Eager heart leapt
Lesson relearned
Forever is but a word

Freely falling fast
Feeling remembered
And missed

Past replaces present
Eyes now tightly closed
Smile grazes lips

Midnight phone calls
Sultry afternoons
Slinky black dress

Past recedes to past
I'll always believe
I loved you best

"Most of what I remember makes me sure, I should've stopped you from walking out the door..."


  1. I could only manage half a poem.

    journal ride

  2. Good afternoon, thank you Bone for such provocative words this week. My mind immediately thought of sex, so this weeks offering is called "Workout". Hope you enjoy. ;)



  3. The mist from the quick spritz of perfume caught in her throat as the eager teenager prepared for her first date.

  4. I loved this prompt, it brought up so much. Thanks.


  5. xinher, I couldn't read yours. It said profile not enable.

  6. Thanks for such great prompts and an energizing site! Here's my Wednesday poem...

    Once upon a Moon

  7. I'm playing again this week! :)

    Here's mine as well:



  8. I was too eager. I desperately wanted to be caught.

    The perfume that I bathed in left not a trance of scent.

    There were no markers. No way of finding me.

    Once again I was alone in eager desperation. To be caught would have meant recognition.

    The street was heavily scented with the perfume of unknown interlopers.

    I faded into oblivion.
    Perhaps this was my fate.

  9. Mmmm... I loved this prompt! It sent me off in an unexpected direction. It's fascinating to see all the different places the same three words take people.

    Mine for this week is To the Heart of It

  10. A tragic tale of redemption found and lost

    An Accidental Life

  11. I also thought of something risque, and just a tad dark. It's based on the movie, Perfume (which I don't really recommend as it's beyond strange).

    I also did an audio version. I've been playing around with recordings and ... I don't know, I thought I'd start reading some of my work. I think it helps me to look at my work from a different angle.

    Not happy with it - I actually wanted to go darker. But people close to me read my blog ... so there you go. *smile*

  12. romancewriter: oops. I forgot to put in the link to my blog. I have a non-blogger blog here.

  13. I forgot and did this one real quick just now. Back to work.

    The Heady Aroma

  14. .....and in! Dang! What a day!

    And I'm STILL RUNNING!!!!

  15. sorry so late... too many things on my plate....

    heres mine:

    "no one"

  16. Nearly everything for me relates to food...

  17. Funny how the word perfume triggered all this.

  18. It's been a while since I did this, but here's my next installment.

  19. I wrote a continuation of another story. Sorry that it's so long. I don't know why I wrote this much.

    Part 2 is the 3WW.

    Here are the three links:
    Part 1
    The key

    Part 2
    Missing you

    Part 3
    Last goodbye

  20. I just posted it(an hour and a half to spare too! lol) Better late than never...although this may not be my best effort!

    Have a great day!

  21. Mine is done. I don't know if I'll get to everyone's yet tonight, but I will make it around to read 'em all.

  22. Go easy on me, this is my first try at this...And I nearly forgot I said I'd do it this week!

    Take care!

  23. Hi Everyone! It's 11:45pm Pacific time, so it's still Wednesday! Here's what I came up with:


  24. Could've Caught that cold crusty
    Eager egg eagle eatting purple peppermint Perfume, pooy!

  25. Uploaded mine here:

  26. This was quick, but I'm happy that something came out of me this week.

  27. Wow, I think this might be a new record for one week! Thank you all for participating.

    As usual, I plan to be by to read everyone's eventually :)

  28. Cool poem Bone. I like the slinky black dress and the perfumed memories.



  29. Bone I'm truly speechless. Was up all night working

    This poem hit me so hard--in a good way. Totally related

    Don't know what to pick out. Loved each stanza for what each one had to say and how it was said

    But that last stanza, that last one
    Past recedes to past
    I'll always believe
    I loved you best

    Oh yes, yes, yes

    OK I always have something to say--especially when totally sleep deprived an can't be as eloquent as I would like to be

  30. how do you do this? I'm so in awe of this type of poetry
    That year I was in love

    The second, third...stanza's

    Oh let my sleep deprived self shut up

  31. Bone, your poem reminds me that you are a romantic at heart. I loved your poem. Keep up the good work. And, thank you for having 3WW each week. I have enjoyed writing/ commenting with everyone. Keep up the good work.


  32. Bone, your poem is filled to the brim with youth, young love, and loss. I loved it.

  33. my poor sleep deprived self meant to say:

    It's over but the feeling of knowing that you loved the best--not the
    most--not the clingy--not the overt whatever in the end--but knowing
    that nobody can ever love that person that way

    There is and isn't satisfaction in that

    I'm totally out of it--3 comments on one poem--but I did love it so much

  34. Wonderful poem, Bone. Makes me nostalgic.

  35. Rose: Thank you. I'm a fan of slinky dresses.

    Pia Savage: There is and isn't satisfaction in that

    Well said, 'tor. I think I kinda like you sleep-deprived :)

    Michelle: Bone, your poem reminds me that you are a romantic at heart.

    I plead the 5th :) Thank you. I'm glad you're enjoying 3WW.

    Writerwoman: Thank you. Those are very kind words.

    Lissa: Thanks, Lissa. It made me a bit nostalgic, too.

  36. Bone - I loved this poem - I must have a 'forever love' in the back of my mind, too. Nice, oh, nice!

  37. The slinky dress, but the last verse... I hope you find someone to love "bester".

  38. There are not enough words.

    I hope you recognize your talent and can see it in everything you write.

  39. My heart honestly hurts reading this.

    I have read and re-read this poem too many times to count tonight, searching for the right words that would adequately convey what I’m thinking and feeling, and just do not have any.

    I’m positively speechless.

  40. " short and sweet"

    i hope this reads as intense as it livs

  41. The smell of an old flame's perfume can quickly open a floodgate of memories. Some smells are best left for the past. Slinky black dresses though are timeless.

    Excellent poem.

  42. Very nice.

    "Past recedes to past
    I'll always believe
    I loved you best"

    Reminds me of a girl I almost married. A girl, now a dear friend, who just came to visit.

  43. Before anything else registered, the alliteration did. I had read it a second time o get the gist.

    Oldest is difficult to forget!

    Great job!

  44. Here's mine--its a short 3WW that reflects my dislike of strong perfume. I'll post here:

    My nose caught a whiff of her strong perfume, which turned my stomach and made me less than eager to meet her.

  45. Past recedes to past
    I'll always believe
    I loved you best

    I also love this stanza.......perfectly put. The poem was very moving.

  46. I finally posted...and its not up to par but...oh well! enjoy!

    Loved your poem Bone!

    Past recedes to past
    I'll always believe
    I loved you best

    ...Forever is but a word

    WOW! can I say it again...WOW!!!! :)

  47. Too eager to reach you
    I was caught
    in a net
    of perfume

    others come and go
    touching my feet
    as they pass.

  48. Quite a nice poem Bone :)

  49. Colorful Prose: Thanks for participating this week.

    Tumblewords: Thank you for the very nice words.

    Marcia: Aww, thanks for the very kind wish :)

    Avery Laine: When I first read "There are not enough words" I momentarily thought you meant my poem was too short :)

    Thank you.

    TC: Well, I've felt like that after reading things before. But that's a good thing, right?

    Kathryn: Thanks for participating.

    Herb Urban: Slinky black dresses though are timeless.


    Carlos: Thanks. I'm glad it resonated with you.

    Gautami Tripathy: Thank you. I'm a sucker for alliteration.

    Sage: Agreed. Strong perfume, not good. Just the right amount, intoxicating.

    Jo: Thank you. I appreciate you guys and gals pointing out your favorite parts.

    Tagster: Thanks! Good to see someone posting later than me :)

    Rwells: Thanks for visiting and for participating in 3WW. Very interesting.

    GirlFPS: Why, thank you :)

  50. Sí, es una cosa buena.

  51. Here is mine - hope you all like it...

    And by the way - I heart Snow Patrol! Some of the best lyrics being written today!

  52. I love your 3WW poem, Bone...each line conjures up a perfect feeling and visual. Beautiful!

  53. I enjoyed the poem sitting in the office in short sleeve, slightly chilly because of the air-con.

    I read it again and felt a sense of nostalgic joy...Summer evening bliss.

  54. POSTING later than you...try reading LAST WEEKS posts today...
    and then I have to write...and do everything else i have to get done...did i mention i was almost late for rained last night and my bookbag is still soaked and all my books, notes, and homework are wet! still!!! happy wednesday..;)

  55. TC: OK. Just double-checking :)

    Shannon: Thanks for participating. And I completely agree about Snow Patrol :)

    Fledgling: Thank you.

    Jujee: Nostalgic. That seems to be the feeling several people got from this. Thanks.

    ATag: Aww. LOL Happy Wednesday, Tagster!
