
Monday, May 21, 2007


I survived my second-ever 10K race Saturday. The weather was perfect. Cool temperatures, a little inspiration, and a high-carb pasta dinner the night before all added up to a perfect storm, if you will, allowing me to shave more than seven minutes off my time from last year.

I've spent the past two days ingesting Tylenol and apologizing to my quads. My new low-impact, low-to-the-ground running style is tough on the thighs. Still, I was nowhere near as sore as I was after last year's race. It's amazing what a little training will do.

Now for you numerologists out there. (You know who you are.) My time of 52:45 was 7 minutes and 14 seconds faster than last year's. What time did I post my blog entry Friday in which I mentioned the race? 7:14. Coincidence? There are no coincidences. Only a carefully planned string of days and events leading to our eventual demise.

Anyway, back to the less important stuff. I finished 104th out of 192 participants this year. And much like last year when I came in 152nd, there are no awards for 104th place, either. No "Most Improved From Last Year" trophy. No "34-Year-Old With The Best Taut Pre-Teen Swedish Boy Body" statuette. No "Top Finishing Bloggers" category. (Although I really think there should be one for that. Maybe I'll mention it.)

As I mentioned Friday, I had loosely set a goal of running a 9 minute mile pace. When I reached the one mile mark Saturday, the timecheck guy called out 9:05. I thought to myself, I've got to pick it up a bit. I also thought, people actually run that in four minutes?!?! Geesh!

Almost to the two-mile mark, I came up on a fellow bandana-wearing runner. I surpassed him while thinking, So long Navy Bandana Guy. White Bandana rules! I reached the two-mile timecheck in 17:53. I had picked up the pace! (And by pace, I don't mean salsa.)

As a race goes on, I begin to look for other runners who seem to be close to my pace. It's sort of like if you're on a long trip, you find a car that seems to be traveling at a good speed to follow on the interstate. Or maybe it's not like that at all.

Nevertheless, between miles two and three, I spotted Green Shirt Hottie. Her ponytail swished back and forth with each stride she took. It was a bit hypnotic. She was probably thirty yards ahead of me, which meant she was running under a 9 minute pace. And she seemed to be passing several people, so I decided to speed up a bit and keep up with her.

I reached the three-mile mark in 26-something and the four-mile mark in 35-something. Still on a sub-nine minute pace. My side started acting like it wanted to cramp, but I pressed on, and it went away.

Shortly after the four-mile mark, I blew by some man who looked to be at least seventy-five. You've had your day, old timer. Harry Truman can't save you now. White Bandana rules! Let's not even get into the fact that he was ahead of me up until this point.

With about half a mile to go, I felt good, all things considered. So I began to pick up my pace and passed several people, including Green Shirt Hottie. Farewell, fair maiden. And shall our paths never cross again, vaya con dios.

The race finishes on an oval track. When I got my first glimpse of the clock, it was at 51-something. I was pleasantly surprised. My time averaged out to an 8:30 pace.

I ran into a friend after the race. This conversation ensued:
"I didn't get here in time to see you finish, but my Dad said he saw you."
"Oh really."
"Yeah, he said Bone's got a handkerchief on his head."

See? I told ya. White Bandana rules!

The two-hour 24 season finale is tonight, which I know makes many of you happy, albeit perhaps for different reasons.

"Oh how I hope that you're happy. I hear you're somewhere in the sand. And how I wish I was an ocean. Maybe then, I'd get to see you again..."


  1. Very good job there...sorry you had to pass up green shirt hotty though. Perhaps there will be even more hotties in the front part of the pack next year for you to follow.

    looking forward to the 24 finale update...I'm sure you'll keep me in stitches.

  2. wondering if I could pass for a hottie? doubt it. I know I wouldn't be at the front of the pack. that's just laughable.

  3. Excellent racing! Way to go!

  4. I am very excited about tonight. Hopefully 24 will help me stop thinking about your quads.

  5. Xinher: Thanks! :)

    Renee: I'll have to really condense it down tonight, since it's two hours.

    Oh, I'm sure you could. Just make sure you have some cute running gear :)

    Lass: Thanks, Lass. You still planning on running the marathon later this year?

    Brookelina: Yeah, I'm sure Ricky Schroeder will help get your mind off me ;)

  6. if you think the swishing is hypnotic to watch... imagine being the one feeling it swish across your back when you run. Now THAT is hypnotic.

    I used to have to run wall-to-wall in the gym for 25 mins straight to "warm up" for some vball practices, and the only reason I got by was because of the swishing.

  7. ...'' I blew by some man who looked to be at least seventy-five. You've had your day, old timer. Harry Truman can't save you now. White Bandana rules! Let's not even get into the fact that he was ahead of me up until this point.''Ah ha hehe.....

    Now you should stop apologizing to your taut pre-teen swedish boy quads and start thanking them since they helped take more then 5 minutes of last years score.

  8. Coincidence? There are no coincidences. Only a carefully planned string of days and events leading to our eventual demise.

    I see a little bit, err, nib more of evil Bone coming out in that comment: I can almost hear a little cackle…

    And much like last year when I came in 152nd, there are no awards for 104th place, either.

    Awww, we’ll make you a statue :) Now, that’s not to say you’ll like what we come up with mind you, but we’ll make you a statue and give you an award…

    Shortly after the four-mile mark, I blew by some man who looked to be at least seventy-five. You've had your day, old timer. Harry Truman can't save you now. White Bandana rules! Let's not even get into the fact that he was ahead of me up until this point.


    Look at you: harping on the old man who’d been kicking your butt up until that point in time! Uff da.

    Loved the post :) Nice to get a little peak back into Bone’s life, sweaty as it may have been…


  9. congratulations -i've been waiting all week to find out how you did!

    although i kept expecting the white bandana to turn into a 3WW White Flag of Surrender segue

  10. Cgrats on improving!

    I certainly hope your 24 update is more exciting than the season finale ending...although the entire two hours seemed to be an improvement over the last 3 or 4.

  11. Good for you, Bone. I understand the significance.

    I can't abide running, but I'm slogging it out at the gym because I want to ride a new horse--a HUGE horse--and the trainer (horse) says I'll die if I don't. So it's 6 days a week riding hard for me, 3 days Pilates and 3 days with the Marine who sidelines as a Personal Trainer (I just started with him) until I run out of sessions and then I'll switch to my nephew who'll continue the job because he loves me (and it'll be a way of getting back at his mother).

    The Marine said today, "Are you sure you're 46? You're one tough cookie. If I asked my mom to do what you do, I'd be carrying her out on a stretcher."

    I think I shall float for several weeks. And I probably won't need pain reliever for at least a day or two. :grin:

  12. That is great! Congrats on the run. I'd love to be able to run one... and finish... running. I tend to walk a little, run a little, walk a little... etc ;)

    Go get a massage :)

  13. HotPinkOne: Thank you. Thank you very much.

    DCChick: Ooo, swishing across my back. Sounds enchanting.

    You think I should grow a pony tail?

    GirlFPS: Well, I am thankful. But they were quite angry with me for putting them thru so much.

    TC: Now, that’s not to say you’ll like what we come up with mind you

    Hmm, I can't imagine what you would come up with.

    Yeah, he probably just started too fast. It's a common mistake among runners over the age of 70 :)

    Sage: Thank you.

    Question Girl: Thanks. Um, no. There will be no white flag above my.. blog.

    Kontan: I'll do my best. But yeah, this was a bad season :-/ Those last thirty minutes were entirely action-free.

    Gay: Aww, yes, I'm sure your feet may not touch the ground for awhile after that comment :)

    Sounds like you should be proud of yourself! I have a Pilates video. They're tough.

    Kerry: Ooo, a massage. Now that's exactly what I need. Great idea!

  14. self writers are the best.

    I hope your sister's hubby made the dog a really nice house outside. Even down south it gets cold.

  15. Can not believe that you posted on a day of the 24 finale

    Truly enjoyable good post

  16. Don't remember how I found your blog but I'm a lurker. Delurking to say Congratulations on your race. I competed in a triathlon last year and consider the event one of my biggest accomplishments yet. Now, when I hear or read about others competing in races, I understand the dedication required. Way to go!

  17. I can't imagine what you would come up with.

    Moi? O:-)

    Bone, you wound me.

    I'm glad to hear you know better than 70 year olds... let me know when you're that age how your 10K goes ;)

  18. Contratulations!! Running a 10K has been a goal of mine for a while. Haven't done it yet - but I remain inspired.

  19. Renee: She sleeps on top of her house during the day, like Snoopy. I'm sure they'll let her in if it gets cold.

    Pia: Well, my 24 recaps usually aren't up until Tuesday anyway. Thanks :)

    Charlottalove: Thank you! It's always good to hear from lurkers :) Way to go on your triathlon, as well!

    TC: Well, I jest. But honestly, it's amazing and inspiring to see some of those people out there running.

    Shelby: Thank you. And in the immortal words of Rob Schneider, you can do it!

  20. 10K? Yikes...not sure I can do that any more! Good job :-)

  21. But honestly, it's amazing and inspiring to see some of those people out there running.

    Agreed. I think it's amazing regardless of if you're 12 or 70.

  22. I am really proud of you.
    I can walk about 2.5 miles- and run for a tiny bit of it (like 25 feet at a time- or pass 3 driveways on my street- dont't laugh! :)

    Mostly though- I wasn't built for running. I think I was built to bake chocolate chip
    but you are THE MAN!
    The White Bandana Man!

    Chloe is preggars!!! I KNEW It...I KNEW IT!
    I wish Jack had shot Ted Kennedy (Audrey's dad...I always call him Ted- lol)
    Someday- somehow- we'll have to have a "24" blog party. Want to try for next Jan?
    We'll talk! LOL

  23. Whoo hoo! Yay for you and your improvement. I would love to be able to run...even a mile without gasping for breath. I was up to that point a while ago, then I quit working out. I'm going to try again, this summer. Until it gets too hot or happy hour gets in the way.

  24. Carlos: Thanks. I'm sure you could.

    TC: Agreed. OK, I don't know anything else to say about that. Next topic :)

    Mayden: like 25 feet at a time- or pass 3 driveways on my street- dont't laugh!

    Sorry, I already laughed ;-) And that's perfect. I was built to eat chocolate chip cookies!

    Ol' William Devane. I couldn't think of his name on Knots Landing or I would have called him that.

    Carnealian: Thank you. And I was doing plenty of gasping.

    Hope you had a nice time at the beach :) I'm jealous.

  25. Congrats! I really loved reading your self-conversation.

  26. Marcia: Thank you. Thanks for visiting.

  27. Wow, you kicked some serious ass J-Dizzle!!! Great job!!
