
Wednesday, March 28, 2007

3 Word Wednesday XXIX

Welcome to Three Word Wednesday.

Each week, I will post three (or more) random words. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to write something using all of those words. It can be a few lines, a story, a poem, anything. This is a writing exercise. It doesn't have to be perfect. The idea is to let your mind wander and write what it will. I'll also attempt to write something using the same three words.

Leave a comment if you participate.

This week's words are:

Whenever I look back, it always amazes me how easily we fit together. I never recall any nervousness. No awkward minutes, or even seconds. Maybe it came too easily. We got to a point where I no longer knew where I stopped and where she began. I thought that a good thing. But now, looking back, I am not sure.

Whenever I look back, it always amazes me how I could have ever let her slip away. It seems impossible now, like something I would never do. But I know it is possible. And I know how shattered feels.

Whenever I look back, it always amazes me how long it has been. And how she continues to have a profound effect on my heart and my life, even after all this time. She is still the inspiration for many of the words I type.

Whenever I look back, I see her. And I smile, despite the emptiness that still remains. Sometimes she is smiling back at me. Sometimes she appears crestfallen. And I beat myself up one more time over mistakes for which I have already paid.

"Every step you take reminds you that she's walking on. And for all you know, this could be, the difference between what you need and what you want to be..."


  1. I'm first again! Wahoo!

  2. I'm not first, ever. But I did post.

  3. I've posted my "minimalist 3 WW" along with an illustrating photo!

  4. ok its can read it now...

  5. ...did I not get the "blogshpere memo" about doing everything a day late and being a dollar short?

  6. I'm up... or will be shortly ;-) At least it's still Wednesday, that's all I can say!

  7. Well, it gratifies me to see that she also gave you crap about how long it was taking you to write your story, Bone.

    Tag, seriously, your professors are OBVIOUSLY not assigning you enough homework.

  8. Oh yeah, and I participated. :)

  9. Jill: Thanks for participating. I'll be making the rounds shortly.

    Pia: I'm sure at some point between the years 2005 and 2007, you have been first on at least one post, if not a 3WW :)

    Sage: Minimalist, huh? I posted a rather short entry this week, as well.

    ATag: ...did I not get the "blogshpere memo" about doing everything a day late and being a dollar short?

    Oh, sorry about that. I'll put you on the distribution list for next week :)

    Judy: I'm right there with you. It's 9:04 and I have just now done mine.

    Arlene: Thanks for playing. Hope you're feeling better.

    Xinh: Thanks for participating. I came this close to trying to use these three words to write a GH scene this week :)

    Traveling Chica: Tag, seriously, your professors are OBVIOUSLY not assigning you enough homework.

    LOL Mmhmm, now you're getting a dose of your own medicine, I see ;-)

  10. Mmhmm, now you're getting a dose of your own medicine, I see ;-)

    I'll never deny it.


    Phone calls, chat, emails, AND a harassing message after I posted? I think it was a bit much. Especially since I would have been much faster if she wouldn't have bugged me. O:)

    Now, on to the post.

    It's beautiful and heartwrenching. And makes me wonder... have you ever really tried to give it a second chance? Because this doesn't sound like someone who has moved on.

  11. Nice one..

    I just tagged you.. Come see why.

  12. Rings true...I love it though, very good!!

  13. I love this

    Best use of shattered

    Love "it always amazes me" being repeated.

    And I beat myself up one more time over mistakes for which I have already paid

    Think that answers everything

  14. Love it, I agree with Pia....great use of shattered. Anyone that has been in love and lost that person has felt that depth of being shattered. Thanks for sharing!

  15. Big Man: Thanks for participating.

    TC: Wow, a harrassing message after you posted? Sounds like you have a fan :)

    And sometimes there are no second chances. Or maybe I had a hundred second chances and didn't realize it.

    Burg: Thanks. Ah, a music thingy. That's tempting.

    Arlene: Thank you.

    Pia: Think that answers everything

    It pretty much does. Thank you.

    Jill: Yep. It is.

    HotPink: Thanks... Wait, that's a good thing, right? :)

    RNG: Hey you! Thank you. Good to see you around from time to time. Hope all is well.

  16. lol ok so the more homework I have the more I avoid a point...I did give TC a bad time...:)

    Great job again...worth the wait... :)

  17. I'm a day late, but hopefully not a dollar short...

    Mine is here.

    I really wanted to participate, but just couldn't manage to pull it off yesterday.

  18. I expect that memo by the way!! :)

  19. ATag: I think I do the same thing with work. The busier it is, the more I want to do nothing.

    Gay: No problem. Three Word Wednesdays can be posted any day of the week :) Thanks for participating.
