
Wednesday, March 07, 2007

3 Word Wednesday #26

Welcome to Three Word Wednesday.

Each week, I will post three (or more) random words. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to write something using all of those words. It can be a few lines, a story, a poem, anything. This is a writing exercise. It doesn't have to be perfect. The idea is to let your mind wander and write what it will. I'll also attempt to write something using the same three words.

Leave a comment if you participate.

This week's words are:

It was not my first concert. But it was my first time to sneak out of the house. To this day, I have a great and terrible fear my mother is going to find out about that night.

Raging Whore Moans were playing at the Bama Breeze, and Craig Henderson claimed he could get us all fake ID's. Except we didn't know that by get, he meant make, with laminating sheets he bought at Eckerd.

According to my ID, I was twenty-two. We weren't planning on drinking, but you had to be twenty-one to get in. And I will never forget my fake name: Andy Griffin. I'm sure it would have been Griffith, except for the fact Craig always thought it was called the Andy Griffin Show.

There would be four of us going: Craig, myself, Kristi, and Jennifer. The girls pulled the old I'm-spending-the-night-at-her-house routine. But as I had not spent the night with any of my friends in over two years, I thought my Mom might think that a tad suspicious. And Craig, well I wasn't even sure he had parents.

The band was scheduled to start at 9:30, but I knew there was no way I'd be able to get out of the house until at least 10:00. Craig said that was OK as they would be playing until well after midnight.

My parents retired to their bedroom around 10:00. And my nervousness was suddenly replaced by a burst of confidence, as they rarely left their room once they were in for the night. Still, I waited half an hour, hoping Mom would be asleep, and then crept down the hall. The floor seemed to creak louder and louder with every step, and I was certain that at any second, the bedroom door was going to open. Finally, I made it to the carport door and was out.

Craig parked down the street in front of a house that was still being built, in his black Fiero. You may think it would be impossible to fit four teenagers into a Fiero. And you would be correct. But on that night, we defied the laws of mass and space. Fortunately, it was an automatic, as there was no way Craig could have shifted gears without risking injuring someone.

We literally rolled out of the car into the parking lot of the Bama Breeze, and nervousness sprang freely once again. What if my parents had already discovered I was gone? What if our fake ID's didn't work? What if we were arrested?

As we approached the door, I heard the bouncer say to the guy in front of us, "Ten dollar cover." I didn't even know what a cover charge was! Ten dollars? For each of us? I only had like twelve bucks to my name. If I had known this, I never would have agreed to Craig's crazy, half-baked plan in the first place.

I felt like a felon as the bouncer checked my ID. Maybe I was a felon? Fortunately, most bars were not too strict about who they let in. Thankfully, Kristi brought money and paid her own cover. I would have hated for her to miss the show.

That was nearly twenty years ago.

Saturday night, I went to see Raging Whore Moans again. The crowd was much sparser this time. And the band may have been more accurately dubbed Aging Whore Moans. But when they sang "Die, Sally, Die" I closed my eyes, and for a moment I was seventeen again. Or twenty-two.

"At the Bama Breeze, I turned twenty-one down there. Had too much fun down there. Stumbled out with the sun down there..."


  1. I get to be first. And with a one sentence story!

    He pushed through the crowd trying to sneak at peak at the raging madman.

  2. My first time participating... Judy turned me on to your meme. I'm a little rusty, but I had a lot of fun with it:

  3. Is it sad that I'm hoping for a non-fiction football story out of this one?? It is?

    Okay, well, I'm sure your story will be fabulous as always then. :-)

  4. This is a meme? And I participate? :-)

    I posted. Short. Not sweet. Not fiction though I would have liked it to have been

  5. Hey Bone, mines posted.

  6. DUDE...wheres is everybody...and your story!!!

  7. ok, since i played roast-a-bone, i'll play 3WW today

    it's very hard for a raging lunatic to sneak through a crowd

  8. i've posted mine - a combination of last week's words and this!

  9. To this day, I have a great and terrible fear my mother is going to find out about that night.

    I think that’s a common thing. :) There are a few things I did at 17 I for sure still don’t want MY mom to know about!

    The girls pulled the old I'm-spending-the-night-at-her-house routine. But as I had not spent the night with any of my friends in over two years, I thought my Mom might think that a tad suspicious. And Craig, well I wasn't even sure he had parents.

    I have to say… you really had me going with this paragraph, Bone. I honestly thought they were going to get caught… despite the first paragraph saying you didn’t. I still though Kristi & Jennifer were going to get in trouble.

    I can’t decide if Raging Whore Moans or Aging Whore Moans is funnier. I was cracking up at both of them.

    I closed my eyes, and for a moment I was seventeen again. Or twenty-two.

    Loved the end. I can almost see the smile that comes as someone recounts this story, reminiscing about a night long ago. It’s not just another story… it’s THE story for him.

    Great job this week, Bone. Even if I did have to wait until after 10 pm to read it. ;)

  10. Sage: Congratulations on being first :)

    Jill: Thanks for participating. I will stop by to read yours shortly.

    Traveling Chica: No, it's not sad. I kinda wish I had done something like that now.

    Pia: No, this isn't a meme. It's a writing exercise. Pia? Pia? Come back! :)

    Gay: Thanks for playing. I'll be over shortly to check out yours.

    TagAlong: LOL Yeah, it took some of us awhile to post today. I'm on my way to see yours.

    Question girl: Sounds like you and Sage were on the same page.

    Alison: Wow. All six words. Way to make up for missing a week :)

    TC: Well, the could have gotten in trouble. As I was writing, I realized there were many different ways I could have taken it.

    I guess you couldn't get on to me for not posting since you didn't post until late yourself, huh? ;)

    Thanks for participating.

  11. Agent 47 crept past a group of guards,furnished with formidable weapons,to reach the fourt floor of a buliding overlooking a central courtyard, teaming with a large crowd of people.
    In the fourth floor of the buliding 47 takes aim,at the target,but,then gets a raging headache,from being smacked on the head,by one of the guards,with a rifle,and thought that all that time spent being a sneak is now over,time to bring it on! [This story is based on actual events*]

  12. "Raging Whore Moans" am I the only idiot who had to walk away from the post repeat it out loud, because I thought that it was just funny, and then get it?

    Is that a group name every teeenager but me has thought of? Or is it Bone specific?

    I also love "Bama Breeze" If there is no such place, open one

    The story was relatable adorable except I could never sneak out of my house--but I was a girl so I had the sleeping over thing

    Never thought about it from a boys perspective before---and love the guilt

    I'm still waiting to be caught for half the things I did

  13. I'm up... finally :-)

  14. I guess you couldn't get on to me for not posting since you didn't post until late yourself, huh? ;)

    Bone, Bone, Bone.

    Do you not know me by now??

    Just because I didn't post until late does not mean I can't harp on you. It's still mandatory.

    I loved the story, so don't wish you had written a football one. You can just write that for today. ;)

  15. I think I might be the only one who looked up The "Raging Whore Moans" on line to see if they were/are a real band.

  16. What a great story. Brings back memories of my own fake ID days. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  17. Girl FPS: Actual events?

    Pia: No, I just made it up. Figured it was a clever, if easy, way to get raging into the story :)

    There are still a couple of stories I won't blog for fear of my Mom one day finding my blog. OK, more than a couple.

    Judy: I'll be right over. Thanks for playing.

    TC: Oh, OK. I should have known that's how it worked.

    HotPink: They're not, are they? I think it'd be a great band name though.

    Jill: Thank you. Hope you start participating every week :)

  18. Oh, OK. I should have known that's how it worked.

    I can't believe you didn't. ;)

  19. The homeless woman was raging as she tried to sneak through the crowd

    Great story Bone

  20. My first time as well -- also prompted by Judy.

  21. Great story!!! Loved the Raging Whore Moans! That was a play on words I had never thought of!

  22. btw --- Thankfully, Kristi brought money and paid her own cover. I would have hated for her to miss the show. ---- THIS line brought back such deeply suppressed memories i am wondering if they were implanted in me

  23. black fiero? I use to want one of those!


  24. Based on actual events* = me( [as #47] playing paintball with,about 20 other,people) sneaking past the other teams guards and geting in the building to be able to see(and shoot) the other teams leader,then having some idiot hit me(in the head)with his gun,instead of shooting{like he was suppose to do} ,so I shot him and got points[no points for him]and after all was said and done, me and my team won big time.

  25. TC: I'm learning :)

    Genie: Why was she so angry?

    Carrie: Wow! Lots of people are coming from Judy's :) Thanks for participating.

    TagAlong: Thanks! Raging was a hard word for me to fit in, as it's a word I rarely use.

    Question Girl: I'm glad someone brought out that line. Hope that it wasn't too painful for you :)

    Java Boo Boo: Me too! Used to, still do, whichever.

    Girl FPS: Wow. Well it worked out really well for a story for this week. I can't believe someone hit you with a gun :)

  26. The guy didn't really mean to smack me,I'm pretty sure he just got very startled.

  27. good story. We had a two story house and my bedroom was on the second floor... I had to jump off the roof of the porch to sneak out.

    I once snuck in early in the morning but didn't make it upstairs. My step dad saw me in my work uniform and asked if I was going into work. I told him I was. I don't know if he believed it or not.

  28. LOVE IT!

    My first car was a Fiero.

    And I'd put one person in the passenger seat, and one person on the passenger floor.

    Good times. :)

  29. GirlFPS: Oh, OK. Cos that sounded kinda violent. lol Glad you're OK.

    Renee: YOU snuck out??? Why, I never would've imagined! I think we need some stories :)

    Blondie: Awwww. You had a Fiero?!?!
