
Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Three Word Wednesday #12

Each week, I will post three (or more) random words. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to write something using all of those words. It can be a few lines, a story, a poem, anything. It doesn't have to be perfect. The idea is to let your mind wander and write what it will. I'll also write something using the same three words.

Be sure to leave a comment if you participate.

This week's words are:

Hi... I know you didn't expect to see me here. I got the address from your mother. You look better than ever. Look, I don't quite know how to say this, so I'm just gonna say it.

I love you.

I've never stopped loving you. And I know you probably don't feel the same, but I've basically been running around in circles the past five years. Looking for something that I'd already found. Looking for something I lost.

And I know this probably doesn't change things, and that's OK. But I just had to let you know. Just in case...

Standing on her porch, I went over the words again and again in my head. What I wanted to say. How I wanted to say it. My hands shook as I reached to press the doorbell.

This was it. I was jumping without a net. But the danger wasn't in dying, or failing. The danger was in not living. Not trying.

In a few seconds, I would know. And that would be enough.

My heart pounded into my head. My stomach flipped. My throat was suddenly dry. I attempted to swallow, but couldn't. Then I heard someone turn the lock.

"Since you've been gone, there's something I wanna say. Since you've been gone, there's no one taking your place. Since you've been gone, I've just been foolin' around..."


  1. Hearing her key in the lock, he flipped off the tv and prayed she wouldn't ask if he'd been surfing the 'net all day.

  2. Tom wanted in. There was no key. He'd have to bust the door down, breaking the lock. Didn't matter at this point, he had lost all reason and sanity. Completely flipped out at the thought of someone hurting his little brother.

    He broke the door with a massive amount of trauma. Hell, didn't know that much was within him. The first thing Tom noticed was the acrid smell wafting through the stale apartment air. There were two other doorways within. One was covered by a net, an odd remnant from the '70s. The other was yet another door. That's where the screams came from. That's where he was heading.

  3. hopefully I'll get around it, but I just spend my spare time doing a map (per someone's encouragement) so folks could understand my story...

  4. What... Bone had something to do besides post his fabulous (I know it will be because it always is) story for his loyal fan base?!?! Come on!

  5. Alright, I did it :-)

  6. A.Nort: Thanks for participating. I thought of net in that context. Also, as fishnet stockings. But wasn't sure if that was one word or two.

    Big Man: I've always wondered if I could break down a door. And how many bones I might break doing it.

    Ooo, I just thought of another use for lock. A lock of hair. Dangit!

    Sage: OK. lol And an excellent job you did, I must say. Also, 30-year-old sorority girls probably wouldn't be all that bad.

    Chica: I know, I know. Some weeks I write my entry on Tuesday. And some weeks, not until Wednesday. I really liked your story, by the way.

    Just B: Thanks for participating. I'll check it out.

  7. I think I just aged 10 years.
    That exercise was wonderful!
    I could feel every word of your writing.

    My lame attempt:

    My wings fluttered helplessly against the net.
    Your warm palm cupped me as the lights extinguished.
    Releasing me into a glass cage, your fingers carefully flipped the lock into place.
    Trapped; I felt safe.

  8. Bone I too could feel every word of your writing. Jumping without a net is very difficult, and yes, yes, yes, the danger is in not living.

    That doesn't apply to just love, you know, but in the act of writing itself. and, uh, dare i say, submitting?

  9. Once again, that was fabulous. (I'm going to have to buy a thesaurus one of these days and come up with new words to describe your writing.) I liked the first-person approach to this one: made it very human. Nice job. :)

  10. Whie in Oregon last year, I flipped when finding on the beach one morning an old fishing net washed ashore. I gathered iti together, walked back to the cabin, un-locked the garage and prepared it for shipping back home east of Oregon.

  11. I've always dreamt of this situation. But does it ever really happen? Good story, though.

  12. Elizabeth: You're a butterfly!! Oh, sorry. I've been playing too much Cranium.

    Pia: Thanks. Hmm, interesting analogy between love and writing.

    Chica: Oh please. You're being much too kind.

    East of Oregon: For some reason, that made me think of that Deadliest Catch show that comes on Discovery Channel, I think.

    Lindsy: Thank you.

    Naj: You mean besides the movies?

  13. Three Word Wednesday is fun :-)

  14. so who opens the door? I'm expecting it to not be her.

  15. Anybody got a tic tac? How about a Tums?

  16. Could you help me with the layout on my blog? Make it pretty?

  17. excellent. i was on the edge of my seat!

  18. Hands cracked from a lifetime of saltwater fiddles with the weathered lock on the pilothouse. ?It needs oil,? he thinks to himself. When it finally snaps, he removes the latch, opens the hatch and steps inside out of the weather. First he starts the engine, hoping to warm up the cabin before they set out. Then he checks instruments, following the same litany he?s used for a lifetime. All appears in order. About that time Peter shows up and removes the mooring lines before jumping on board. As they set out, the old fisherman looks at his son and prays. It?s been two years since that fateful day. They were coming into the inlet in a gale. He should have left the boom out for stability, but they had pulled them in to make speed. Just beyond the sea buoy, with waves breaking in all directions, his two sons set out to re-extend the booms. Just then, a sudden gust of wind nearly flipped the boat on its side. Paul, who had been working on the port side, fell overboard and was trapped in a net. Although he and Peter tried, the rough seas kept them from getting to Paul in time. As they cruise through the inlet, tears well-up in his eyes. He never passes this point without recalling that day or saying a silent prayer.

  19. Bone, this is wonderful! One of my's like we were there with him feeling the it!

  20. Just B: Thanks. I agree :) Three word Wednesday IS fun. For everyone!

    And yes, I will try to help. Just email me or chat at me.

    Renee: You'll have to buy the book when it comes out :)

    Lass: You know, I've NEVER had a Tums. Ever. Is that weird? Never had an Alka-Seltzer either.

    Ms. Sizzle: Thank you.

    Sage: Wow. That was excellent. The descriptions and terminology were Hemingway-esque.

    RedNeckGirl: Thanks, RNG.
