
Thursday, November 17, 2005

Thursday Thirteen: 1st attempt

Thirteen Things from the mind of Bone...

1) This is my first Thursday 13. Thank (or blame) InterstellarLass and Carnealian. One woman can be persuasive enough. But two? Forget about it. I'm human. I'm flesh and blood. What mortal man can resist their charms ;-) Again, my first time, so be gentle...

2) Tomorrow is my sister's birthday. She will be 25. I can't believe she will be 25. You have no idea how stoked I am that she loves Alabama football. She listens to sports talk radio on her way home from work. Yes! My tribute to her (a little sappy) can be found here.

3) Went shopping last night to find her a gift. Walking thru the parking lot to my car, the weather was cold, the wind was blowing. Felt like a scene from one of those movies where it's Christmas time in New York, and everything is decorated, and everyone is shopping, and I'm either about to go ice skating or have just been...

4) Four is my favorite number.

5) I should have written this. I could have. Gah! I could have been a millionaire, Jerry. I could have been a Festivus millionaire! Check out some of my festivus knowledge here.

6) I really want to celebrate Festivus this year. I mean, but with other people this time. That's it! December 23rd. Festivus dinner, including the feats of strength, the airing of grievances, etc. at Bone's! You're all invited. I'll get the aluminum pole out of the crawl space.

7) I haven't watched General Hospital all week. Anyone know what's been going on?

8) The low temperature here this morning was supposed to be 25 degrees. That's the Big F. Fahrenheit. Not Celsius. Not Kelvin. And do you think Big Sweaty had the heat on when I got to work? No! He must really save on energy costs in the winter. I guess with the food though, it balances out.

9) Two of my favorite things about cold weather: Hot chocolate and wearing hats (boggans, beanies, whatever).

10) Even though our "cold" weather only lasts 3-4 months at most here, for some reason, I have roughly twice as many winter clothes as summer clothes.

11) If you want to read my thoughts on this year's CMA Awards, you may do so here.

12) Seven days until Thanksgiving. You've got to be freaking joking me!

13) Probably doing birthday dinner with my sister tomorrow night. Saturday is the Iron Bowl. Alabama versus Auburn. Roll Tide! (And if Bama and ND get matched up in a bowl game, Carnealian, it's on! Like Donkey Kong!) ;-)

There, that wasn't so bad... for my first time!

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

1. InterstellarLass
2. Jen
3. Texas_Ivy10
4. Carnealian
5. Sallwood
6. Renee
7.(leave your link in comments, I'll add you here!)

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It's easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

"Spinning on that dizzy edge, I kissed her face and kissed her head. And dreamed of all the different ways I had to make her glow..."


  1. "Show me how you do that trick
    The one that makes me scream she said
    The one that makes me laugh she said
    And threw her arms around my neck
    Show me how you do it
    And I promise you I promise that
    I’ll run away with you
    I’ll run away with you"

  2. Welcome to the TT!

    Happy Birthday to your sister!

    Alabama's a little far to travel for Festivus, but I'll be there in spirit! Thanks for the invite :-)

    Here's my 13:

  3. I expected nothing less from you on your first Thursday 13. It was a good one. And I'm so glad Lass and I were able to coerce you into it. Lass, I think you and I could make a bundle coercing men....just a thought.

    Yea, Roll Tide...I want ND and Bama to match up...why? well I don't know why because I don't know what's at stake yet!

    Doesn't wearing hats make your head all scratchy?? It does me. Then there's always hat head. It's cold's very cold here.

    Here's my version of the CMA's. Toby Keith, Kenny Chesney and Keith Urban are hot. Jimmy Buffet for president too!

  4. Lass: Thanks. Not sure if I can keep this up every Thursday. We shall see :-)

    OC Girl: Where shall we run away to? ;-)

    TexasIvy: And thank you for returning the visit.

    Groovychick: Ooo! This is good stuff. The perfect thing for the GH fan on the go. Thank you!

    Xinh: It wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be.

    Tiffany: I'm sorry. I'm going to have to ask you to refrain from using such language in the comments.

    Jen: Happy Festivus to you and yours!

    Carnealian: "Toby Keith, Kenny Chesney and Keith Urban are hot."

    Yeah, I thought it'd be best if I left that line out of my CMA review :-) Hats make my head scratchy sometimes. And yes, always hat hair. The tousled look is sorta in though. I guess.

    Be thinking of our wager if Bama and ND play ;-)

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Bone,

    You did well on your first 13. But, I don't think that style of writing is for you. The first 13 is WAY to structured. I think you just need to keep writing the way you normally do. You are hilarious when you are able to be less structured....does that make sense??

    I think that is awesome to have "Festivus" this year. I hope you have lots of Festivus Miracles!

    Did you get to watch the Seinfeld Story last night??? That would be awesome if it was about 4 hours long.

  7. I think your 13 is awesome, Bone. Long Live Festivus! I'll come if I can have the good parking spot in front of the building. I bruised my coccyx during the feats of strength last year, and airing of grievances only took about 5 minutes, because we have a good life. We use our festivus pole as our shower curtain rod during the rest of the year.

  8. Happy Festivus! We were just watching a show on how Seinfeild got started last night...we were huge fans! I may have to get DH the dvds.

    So interesting to read a man's blog. now watch that get some comments. hee hee.

    here's my 13

  9. Brian: Thanks much for the feedback. Good to know what the readers prefer and think.

    I completely MISSED the Seinfeld story. How in the world did I not know about this? Ugh. I did see Jerry on Leno last night. Doing the bit about "Let me let you in on a little secret. Nobody wants to come to your wedding..."

    Sallwood: I'll see what I can do about the parking. Just don't try to shoot in head first. Festivus pole doubling as a shower curtain rod! Brilliant! I'm guessing you've also been working on a bladder system for oil tankers?

    Bleemy: Thanks for stopping by.

    Renee: I definitely recommend the DVD's. The extras (thusfar) are great. Bloopers are hilarious.

    "So interesting to read a man's blog."

    Not sure how to respond to that. Just tryin' to be the voice of the single heterosexual male :-)

  10. blowing past the other comments

    "10) Even though our "cold" weather only lasts 3-4 months at most here, for some reason, I have roughly twice as many winter clothes as summer clothes."

    Winter clothes are so much cozier than summer clothes...and it's almost like being in Bedford Falls when we wear them! ;)

    Happy Festivus!

  11. I missed Jerry on Leno the other night - what is his bit about how people really don't want to go to weddings? I need to hear this - it might save me a ton of money before I go inviting people who don't want to be there!

    Dave sent out his invitations to Festivus yesterday. It's going to be a good holiday season! :-)

  12. QueenB: Happy Festivus to you! And thanks for stopping by.

    Cindy: Festivus invitations! I think it's safe to say you're marrying the right man, Cind ;-)

    The wedding bit is something like... Some of you in here right now are probably planning to get married soon. Well, let me let you in on a little secret, because none of your friends will ever be able to tell you this... Nobody wants to come to your wedding. Don't get me wrong. We hope that you're happy. But chances are, when we get that invitation in the mail, we're thinking "There goes my whole Saturday!!"

  13. He seems to be the right man -for me. It should be an interesting marriage, and I'm looking forward to many, many Festivus celebrations (and everything else) to come.

    Good bit by Jerry - and it's actually true, isn't it? I know I've thought that before. Now that I'm doing the inviting though, I hope people don't think it! :-)
