
Saturday, October 15, 2005

Audiopost: Californication

this is an audio post - click to play

"Women were made to love. Money was made to spend. Life is something, buddy, you can never live again..."


  1. Awesome! L.A. is great and it's good to hear you are recharged! Hope you had a ball and we'll need to see pics, lots of pics!! Love the Buffet quote...I laughed outloud! Everyone in PA is sad...PSU lost in the last seconds, HA!HA! (hate Penn State) but ND pulled the same crap. DAMN! Glad BAMA won!

  2. Wow - when 'get away' you really get away! :-)

    I'm glad you left for a while - any change is good sometimes.

    I hope you had fun and are truly recharged and refreshed.

    I'm looking forward to knowing that you're back safe, sound, and happy again. :-)

  3. Thank you all. I feel sooo much better! I am home safely. Will resume regular blogging manana. Hopefully.

  4. Bone came to So Cal and didn't email OCG?!?!

    Hope you had a great time... can't wait to read all about it!
