
Sunday, September 25, 2005

The Show: Episode Four

Well, we just put the finishing touches on another funtabulous show. Other than the fact that I'm pretty sure we misspelled tattoo, I think it turned out pretty well. Click here to listen.

"Ooo I want you, I don't know if I need you, but ooo, I'd die to find out..."


  1. Xinh: Gravelly voice. I like that. Life has hardened me ;-)

    Crys: It is great, isn't it? I have season 2 on DVD, and I want to get the others. Larry David is absolutely hilarious.

  2. Lass: I never can tell what half the designs are supposed to be anyway. I don't think I could ever get one. That's a lifetime commitment, basically.

    Blonde: Yes, you are behind. Hope your weekend was good, as well.

  3. Somehow I totally missed episode 3. I don't know if I missed the link or what - but I listened today finally - along with Episode 4 (Blonde, you're not the only one who played catch-up today!) Good shows guys. The owl theme is addictive, and the fake commercials are hilarious. I laugh when you both laugh - it's also addictive. Listening to two guys view on life and women is enlightening.
    How do you line up guests for the IM sessions???? ;-)

  4. In order to be on the "Who's IM'ing Kyle" segment, all we need is your AIM or YIM screen name.

    Then, you need to be online sometime around 10:30 PM CDT on Friday and Saturday nights... as we do the show, typically on Friday, but when one of us has a date, we move the show to Saturday. Of course that rarely happens, so count on Friday. LOL

  5. Cindy: Thanks for the compliments. This week we went with absolutely no notes, and I think it turned out better.

    Just sort of do the IMing (and the rest of the show) at random, with whomever happens to be online at the time.

    I guess I will just add whoever would like to be added to my AIM friends lists. Just IM me your AIM and/or Yahoo screen names, or email me if you have my email address.

  6. I need to download the episodes and catch up now that I'm back to the land of the living. When are y'all going to have a podcast RSS feed so I can use iPodder to automatically download the new shows?

  7. yes yes.. we have been asked about this podcasting kind of thing...

    we're looking in to it.

    the shows and show notes are archived on my site


  8. Kerry: I am looking into making the thing an actual podcast. Been busy with moving and such, but hopefully we can get that working soon.

    Meanwhile, I'm going to add links to each of the shows on the sidebar here in a sec :-)
