
Friday, July 15, 2005

Five Questions

Hey all. I thought this would be an interesting post to do and leave up for the weekend. Just comment with your answers to the following five questions. The more detailed and specific the better :-) And if you can't think of anything, that's OK, too. Thanks, and have a great weekend!

1. How did you first come across my blog?
2. Why do you come back?
3. What is something you wonder or would like to know about me?
4. Besides Steve-O, what person, real or fictional, would you compare me to?
5. Since someone brought this up a few posts ago, think of a nickname for me, and explain. (Boy, I'm really asking for it here.)

"The last thing I expected was to get her call tonight, cos the last thing that I heard from her, she'd found Mister Right..."


  1. No, no, no. Almost every blog has questions to answer. No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. 1. I linked to you off of Kyle's site.
    2. To help keep your hit count high.
    3. Uh, I think I know enough. ;-)
    4. Newman.
    5. B-diddy : for your love of hip-hop music from yesterday and today.

  3. 1. Either the "Next Blog >>" button, or perhaps a comment on another blog... so long ago... can't quite remember...
    2. I think I'm in love with you... lol... you keep me amused! Esp in these busy days at work... (boss just walked up to my desk as I typed that... oops)
    3. Hmmmm... I'll have to think about that
    4. Unknown... please refer to #3
    5. Tenacious B... because you are

  4. No, no, no, Pia. These are different. These will be fun :-)

    Tenacious B. lol Reminds me of Bud Bundy... Grandmaster B.

  5. I completely forgot about Grandmaster B... classic!

  6. 1. I first came across your blog because you told me about it and BEGGED me to come visit just so that you had at least two regular readers. Java Boo Boo was already reading. Go figure.

    2. I have no idea why I come back. I used to come back because it kept me from sleeping at work (well, so I thought). Now I come back because I think it's hilarious that you have all these girls that keep up with you more than women keep up with their husbands and you STILL can't get a date! You must have 4 or 5 that are in love with you. {See OC Girl's comment.} And the good thing is, these girls seem to be an age that wouldn't attract weird looks if you were seen in public with them! So, yes, that's why I come back day after day after day...

    3. There is no doubt that I know more about you than I care to know. Although, I do know you live in Alabama so a posting of how many "white" teeth you have wouldn't totally be useless.

    4. I compare you to Mr. Tanner from Full House. He's a little obsessive and compulsive just like you and Boo Boo. As far as who you look like, it's a little unfair to throw out Steve-O. But I have seen a couple of your twins playing in the band at a concert or two.

    5. I'm no good at nicknames nor will I attempt to come up with one. My child is saying "Dada" for the first time and I think I need to pay attention to him.

    I like the song quote, too. I'm sure that a call from any female is the last thing you expect on any night! And if one does, I'm sure it's not a tear in her voice.

  7. 1.Is funny we had kinda knew each other alittle but i didn't know u blogged. Welll u were on atrip and i was missing U. So i was looking on your profile and stuff and saw MY HOMETOWN BLOG. Man i thought i had hit the jackpot but anyway even though u were gone your blogs helped me from missing u so much .

    2. well i do enjoy reading your blogs and they make me laugh.

    3.Dude why are u still single.

    4. You make me think of a person that is caring, thoughtful,kind, and very sweet and that person is YOU.

    5.Bama Bonester Babe

  8. 1. How did you first come across my blog?
    I searched for "Allison Fisher boyfriend" to prove myself wrong on something..and of all PEOPLE IN THIS UNIVERSE...yours came up. LOL. Which is why to this day, we joke about you being her boyfriend. (JOKE, get's not

    2. Why do you come back?
    Because you practically stalk me, and keep on telling me to come, like, every day..until I do.

    3. What is something you wonder or would like to know about me?
    Why exactly you stalk me, HAHA.

    4. Besides Steve-O, what person, real or fictional, would you compare me to?
    I dunno, there's really no one LIKE you personality wise...but looks, I don't know anyone besides Steve-O! LOL. Maybe Senfield from far away?

    5. Since someone brought this up a few posts ago, think of a nickname for me, and explain.
    I already have one, Jeffrow. Because when you give me one, you are just askin' for one back! The end.

  9. 1. I remember when your blog was nothing but a web page you had on your profile and you had posted diary- like articles on it.
    2.Cause I can't help myself for the love.
    3.I know pretty much everything about you.
    4.Shane nailed it with Danny Tanny.
    5. Pookie =)

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Bone,

    Wombat is shouting into the phone that I make it very clear previous comments are from Midwest exclusively.

    :) MW

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. 1. I read about you in the Decatur Daily.

    2. I'm a glutton for punishment ;) Actually, I like how you write, although, as we've discussed, I don't often get the Seinfeld fixation you guys have.

    3. I'd like to know who you think will make it to the MLB playoffs.

    4. I don't know who Steve-O is...yes, I'm that old. Um, your beach picture in the sidebar looks like something out of one of Kenny Chesney's videos :)

    5. I'm not good with nicknames. I usually just call people by their given names or a shorter version of their names.

  14. OMG! You're being compared to Kenny Chesney. This is absurd! It is VERY obvious these people have never met you in person.

    FYI, Bone is about 4' taller than Kenny, has a deeper voice, has a lot more hair (on his head), and cannot get a girl when he sings.

    Yes, there's a lot of difference.

  15. And I would not have married Renee Zellweger :-) Well, probably not.

  16. Ah, don't mind Shane. After a few visits here, you'll learn to overlook him ;-)

  17. 1. How did you first come across my blog? I think it was through the 'Next Blog >>>' button or maybe from the Blogger homepage or something.
    2. Why do you come back? Because you seem like a nice guy. Also, because you have me laughing with Seinfeld references and with the goings on in your daily life. The quoted conversations between you and your friends are hilarious. I come back also because of the way you write. You're intelligent, thoughtful and good - and it shows in your writing and comments.
    3. What is something you wonder or would like to know about me? Do you like Chinese food? If you do, what do you like? If not, have you been to decent place with good food yet?
    4. Besides Steve-O, what person, real or fictional, would you compare me to? I've only seen Steve-O in a picture online - I do see the similarities physically, however. From how you write and express yourself, you remind me of a good friend of mine. Maybe that's another answer for Q#2. ;-)
    5. Since someone brought this up a few posts ago, think of a nickname for me, and explain. (Boy, I'm really asking for it here.) Nicknames aren't easy to come up with when you don't personally know the person and experience life somehow with them. I'm trying to think of any of my friends that I call by a nickname, and I can't think of anyone. The only thing that I sometimes do is call them by their middle names to get their attention sometimes - as they do to me too. So, I would have to say that I'd probably call you by your middle name as well - if it was known. (not asking for it, just saying...) :-)

    Call me Lame-O for my lame answers. :-)

  18. That wasn't lame. Thanks for the nice words :-)
