
Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Important. Impending. Impossible?

Important Dates
May 14: Impending beach trip. Awaiting confirmation from Marty McFly. So far, it's myself (aka Steve-O), Lee (aka Pontius), and Kyle (aka Uncle Rico). That will be a fearsome foursome right there. Look out, ladies! Woohoo!

May 17: Seinfeld Season 4 DVDs are released. Two weeks! Ggggghhhhhhh!

May 21: My ex-girlfriend of just over two years gets married. If the Seinfeld DVDs were not coming out four days before, this would probably be my final day on the face of the Earth. Now, it looks as if that will be postponed until my girlfriend of 4+ years gets married. Oh, and this is the date of our local 10K run. So I may actually kill myself anyway, accidentally. What a week!

American Idol Night
Well, it's AI night, and that means I'm cooking something new. On the menu tonight, some sort of chicken and cheese casserole thing. We'll see how it turns out. Wonder what will happen on American Scandal tonight? Will Paula be on uppers or downers? And if she is, did she get them from Bo? Will Scott's ever-puzzling support be affected by the Spike TV special, How To Beat A Domestic Violence Charge, airing in the same time slot? Will Carrie drop out of the competition, announcing that she has signed a deal to become the official Barbie spokesmodel for Mattel? Or will she be disqualified for breaking a little-known AI rule that states one contestant can sing no more than twelve Martina McBride songs in the same season. Will documents surface showing Anthony is a Communist sympathizer and that he actually may know who killed Kennedy? Will Simon finally profess his man-love for Randy? Tune in tonight to find out.

101 Ways To Tell If You're A Loser
#78. If your fiancee skips town less than a week before your wedding, travels across the country, leading to a nationwide search for her, leaving you as a prime suspect for her murder, only to turn herself in once she runs out of money, and you still want to marry her, you might be a loser. Talk about whipped. Wow! That's the kind of stability we're all looking for in a spouse and possible mother of our children.

My weekend
I went running Thursday afternoon, Friday afternoon, and Sunday evening. So I'm sort of getting back on a schedule there. I worked till Noon on Saturday. Shot some pool Saturday night. I was looking like Earl Strickland out there. Well, Earl Strickland at about age 3, to clarify. Went to eat at TGIFriday's. Let me offer you a little tip. If you're thinking about ordering one of their "sizzling" entrees, don't get your hopes too high for the "sizzling" part. You might be disappointed. Oh, they had a security guard there just standing at the door the whole time. It reminded me of the Seinfeld where George sees a security guard standing, so he brings him a rocking chair. At the end of the show, the guard has fallen asleep in the chair and the store is being robbed. Played a little tennis Sunday evening after church. Ate at Ruby Tuesday's. Jean-Paul did a very nice job as our waiter. I hope he doesn't oversleep for his next marathon.

The Impossible?
Had a nice conversation with Dad Sunday:
"Son, are you dating anybody?"
"You need to get out and meet some girls somewhere."
(Great fatherly advice there. Later...)
"Whatever happened to that girl... uhhh..."
"What girl?"
"You know the one that liked you."
"Yeah, Jessica. Whatever happened to her?"
"Well, apparently she didn't like me as much as you thought."

I love those kinds of talks...

"Don't know why he says all those things, always shootin' down all your dreams. He oughta know better than that. He oughta be watchin' his back, cos you know, you know, girl I love the shine in your eyes..."