
Sunday, May 15, 2005

Beach pics

And we're back. I'll blog more tomorrow. For now, here are a few pics from Gulf Shores/Orange Beach '05:

Wish you were here. Posted by Hello

The pink pony... repaired and open for business. Posted by Hello

And the frisbee game was no more :-( Just a little tetanus. Maybe a little gangrene. Posted by Hello

Gov. Bob Riley: "Everything is back to normal. We welcome everybody down to Alabama's beaches." Errr, yeah. Sure. Posted by Hello

I'm not sure why I would have taken this picture. Hmmm. Posted by Hello

If only. What? Posted by Hello

There would normally be lots of people in this shot. Posted by Hello

The view from our room... if you craned your neck around the corner and held on to the balcony with one hand while singing Camptown Races. Posted by Hello

"You can run and you can hide, but I'm not leaving 'less you come with me. We had our problems, but I'm on your side. You're all I need. Please believe in me..."


  1. Did you have fun? Was the foot injury yours? Too bad about the hurricane damage that still goes unrepaired. The views of the ocean sure are pretty. :-)

    Hope you had tons of fun!

  2. Yes, the foot injury was mine. Unfortunately.

    It was fun. I love the beach. I don't think I would ever get tired of it.

  3. glad u had fun on your trip , but u better ask me to go next time.Far as i lnow i didn't see any sharks in yur pics so u were safe. luv u

  4. well except the big one that almost ate u . rofl

    well u musta been thinking about me playing one of my favorite songs pure love "WHAT" LOL

  5. Yeah, no sharks. I strapped some shark bait to my ankle and swam out as far as I could, but no luck. What?
