
Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Valentine's Day!

Are you enjoying your VD?
First of all, let me say Happy Valentine's Day to all the ladies out there. I remember back in elementary school, we used to make colorful little bags with our names on them, and everyone would bring Valentine's and put them in your little bag. That was fun. And now. Well, now, it's just a 24-hour struggle to try and keep from calling any of my ex-girlfriends. So far, so good.

Birthday weekend recap
Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes, calls, cards, dinners (and nachos and gmail). lol Some of the calls and cards really made me realize how important it is, how much it means, when someone remembers your birthday. Friday night, I met up with J-Mo and Kyle. We went to Bumpers to shoot pool. Lee and Roy also joined up with us over there. Obi-Wan Kenobi was up there with what appeared to be several Padawan learners. (Kyle said it looked more like a Lord of the Rings character, but I'm fairly certain it was Obi-Wan. I think he just likes anything that makes him think of Erin.) Ended up at Logan's after they closed. They had turned off the grills, so I ate free salad and soup for supper.

Saturday, Mom cooked birthday lunch for me. Fried chicken legs. Mmmmmm. Cherry pie. Double mmmmm! My sister and her husband, my aunt, and my little six-year-old cousin were over there as well. I just adore her. She makes the world seem not so bad. The Nashville plans got cancelled because Melody's Dad (we'll call him Bob Vila), fell off a ladder while cleaning out the gutter on their house, and was med-flighted to Huntsville. (The things people do to get mentioned on my blog.) He apparently is OK, but S&M headed down from Nashville to see him. So Saturday night, ended up having dinner at Wings. I won't talk about intestinal matters here, but suffice it to say, I love wing sauce, but wing sauce don't love me. Ended up at Bumpers again with the same group, sans J-Mo. Then K and I met up with Shane at Steak and Shake. By then, it was Sunday, and my birthday was over. Dad took us out for another birthday lunch after church Sunday.

Are you single, cute, and... a girl?
I almost forgot. These came in Saturday!

That was a nice birthday present for myself. So now I have 27 days to find a date. That should be plenty of time. Or not nearly enough time. Whichever. So, if you're single, thin, and neat... oh wait. If you're single, relatively cute, and somewhat enjoy Seinfeld, please contact me for your ticket. Otherwise, I guess I'll take Kyle.

"There's three billion women in the world. Or trillion. Is it billion or trillion?"
"Yeah, that's what I thought, cos if it was trillion, surely I could find one."

"Did she call?"
"No. I think this could be the end... after six years."

"When evening shadows and the stars appear, and there is no one to dry your tears, I could hold you for a million years, to make you feel my love..."

1 comment:


    Now that is funny right there.
