
Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Emergency 911

Well there are a few emergencies of varying degrees going on around here...

My sister and her husband have nine newly born puppies they are trying to give away. They were just born a few days ago. They are half blue heeler, and half yellow lab (they think). So, if you live in the area and would like one, then you can IM me using the screen name on my profile or email me. I'm gonna try to take a picture of them and post it, hoping maybe that will persuade someone ;-) I am just afraid if they don't find a home, they will wander out in the road and get run over.

Emergency #2
For the first time that I can ever remember, AOL Instant Messenger appears to be down tonight. I talked to a couple of other people who were having problems as well. So if this isn't rectified soon, I fully expect a state of emergency to be declared, because we just can't have this. I mean, before long people will be forced to go out and meet other people face to face, or call each other on the telephone. No, no, all is well. Yahoo is still working, and we still have text messaging. Whew!

Emergency #3
Disaster was narrowly averted on the west side tonight. Local blogger/resident Bone was preparing dinner when his can opener completely broke and fell apart as he was opening the green beans. With the rest of the meal near completion, time was of the utmost importance. Being the resourceful former Webelo dropout he is (or isn't, whichever), Bone was able to pry the can open in near-MacGyver-like fashion, using only a dull butter knife and his keen survival instinct. Disaster was averted, dinner was served, but shudder to think, what might have happened.

That's it for now. Tune in tomorrow for another exiciting edition of "Moulton, 35650."

"Let me be the one you call. If you jump, I'll break your fall. If you want, I'll fly away with you into the night. If you need to fall apart, I can mend a broken heart. If you need to crash, then crash and burn you're not alone..."

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