
Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Things Like This Happen In 3's

I have really, seriously been considering ending my blog at the end of 2004. Would you miss me? I probably could never actually do it. Besides, in the somewhat-altered words of Stuart Smalley: I'm good enough. I'm smart enough. And doggone it, people like my blog. I dunno, sometimes it just feels like my best entries are all behind me.

Nowhere, USA
Well I spent a mostly quiet evening at home last night, for a change. It was nice. I honestly can't remember the last evening I didn't go do something or have someone over. I did have to go out to get a pizza, because our town is sooo crappy that the Pizza Hut here doesn't even deliver. And the Domino's, Papa John's, Donato's, etc. here... well, they don't even exist. Anyway, my pizza tasted really funky. It was near closing time when I ordered, so maybe that had something to do with it. I didn't eat very much of it. I don't know why, but all I could keep thinking of was dog food. And once that thought was in my mind, I couldn't eat anymore. Watched the Best of Will Ferrell DVD that I got for Christmas. Man, I could listen to him do Harry Caray all day long and never get tired of it. There was lots of good stuff on there... the cheerleaders, Jeopardy, the music teachers, George W. impressions.

Two Down, One To Go
Well, as you may or may not know, two of my ex-girlfriends received engagement rings over the holidays. Neither of them was from me. I know it happens a lot, but I think it's completely unoriginal to propose on Christmas. Then again, I clearly know exactly what I'm doing when it comes to women. It's weird, because I dated one of the girls for a little over two years. There were several times I thought that was it, then it just, I dunno, went bad, got old, whatever it does. I'm very happy for her, though. She's a very sweet girl. Plus, she put up with me for two years, she surely deserves something for that.

Anyway, my point of posting this is, people always say that things like this occur in threes. If that holds true, then someone else will be getting engaged soon. Who, oh who, will it be? Well, if it happens to be one girl in particular (those of you who know me know who I'm referring to), then um, I guess maybe I'll be seeing you all on the other side. What?

Actually, monologue this time...
"I'm finished dialecting with you."

"Cough thee not!"

"Is that a... uh.. Doctor Topper? Mmmmm!"

"You might be surprised about the way I think about you. Yeah, you might not know that I dream of you each night. I know it's a lot, yeah, it's something out of nowhere. But it's here and it's true, and as much as I love you, you might be surprised..."

1 comment:

  1. I just ran across your blog. I just wanted to say that's damned sad that you really did end your blog at the end of 2004. LOL.
