
Monday, December 27, 2004

Party at Bone's

Well, if I had a dime for everytime those three words have been uttered, I'd have... um... well... about ten cents. With everyone in town for the holidays, "the gang" met up for our mostly annual holiday gathering. After church last night, I met everyone at the steak house for dinner. Then we came back to my apartment, exchanged gifts, watched Shane give a live diaper-changing demonstration in my living room floor, and watched a good bit of the Friends home videos (not THOSE Friends, our friends). A great time was had by all. My only regret is that we didn't do some type of Festivus celebration, with an airing of grievances. Here are some pics:

The usual suspects... can you believe I let these people in my home? (not pictured: Ronald Reagan)

Ski Bunny & Me (in my festive Santa hat) I'm not sure what Shane's doing. I don't think I wanna know.

Ski Bunny & Kyle

"Everywhere someone's getting over. Everybody's lied to someone. People still use other people With a crooked smile..."

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