
Friday, December 24, 2004

Bone's Holiday Shopping Tips

Yesterday was jam-packed. We exchanged gifts at work. I got a Bama shirt, some Three Stooges DVDs, a tie, and some candy. Tammy also played a trick on me by re-gifting the angel stocking hangy thing she'd got at the company party Tuesday night. See, she had gotten like the matching one of what I'd gotten at the party, so she re-wrapped it and gave it to me yesterday as a prank. It was pretty funny. Regifter! She got me other stuff, too, though. That was just a gag gift.

Shop, shop, shop
After work, decided to do some more shopping. Stopped by the cutlery place, the mall, Books a Million, Wal-Mart, and the mall again. Wal-Mart was crazy. The Dr. Pepper girl was up there. That is the second time I've seen her in like the past two weeks. Weird. Also saw a girl that Kyle and I both knew, Stephanie. I knew her from like ten years ago, or more. I was like, "Wow, you've lost a ton--- er, you've slimmed down quite a bit." That's a tricky situation, because you don't want to make them feel like they used to be gargantuan or anything, but you want to pay a compliment to make people feel good about themselves.

Also, they left two items I purchased out of my bag, so I'm pondering whether or not to venture back up there today. I went to CVS and the Wal-Mart here today and I believe I am now officially done shopping. I even finished up my wrapping this morning, except for maybe one or two gifts. Ended up at Applebees late last night. Donna made me some hot chocolate. Jessica was up there so I was asking her about her new nephew and stuff. Wished them all a Merry Christmas and got home about 11:30.

Holiday shopping tip #1
If you require a rascal to scoot around Wal-Mart, you might want to get your holiday shopping done before December 23rd. Riding that thing around at 0.5 mph when there's barely enough space to even walk is not a good idea. To make matters worse, there were two ladies in a row doing it. It was like a rascal convoy.

Holiday shopping tip #2
Nobody wants any of those little wooden executive desk gifts that have like felt on the bottom, and some little game or knick-knack on them. They may look really neat in the store, but no one really wants them. They're all like ten bucks. So just save your money, or better yet, wrap up a ten dollar bill. Your giftee will be much happier. Use these and my other holiday tips to make this holiday the best ever.

"Since it was Christmas, I thought you might call. Or have you stopped thinking about me at all?"

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