
Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Are you dressing up for Halloween?

I think the worst part about being a fly would be if you flew inside someone's car and they went on a long trip. When you finally get out of there, you're hundreds of miles from home. And you only have a life expectancy of like a day anyway, so you're probably never gonna see your family again.

So who's dressing up? What are you gonna be? Who's going to a party? I told myself last year that I'd definitely dress up as Nelly this year, if I dressed up. Someone also suggested Steve-O. I guess I could slap on a leopard-print thong and go with it. Either way, I'll be sure to post pictures.

Alabama Invasion
I love history. I found this interesting: Military Planned Alabama Invasion
20,000 troops? Ha! It would've taken a lot more than that to defeat the Alabama militia.

Hurts to say
Root canal, catheter, torn achilles' tendon, vasectomy... some things hurt just to say. Dad had a colonoscopy yesterday. Ouch. I'm sure he appreciates me telling the world about it. Everything looked OK, apparently, but he's still awaiting some test results.

The rest of the story
Had dinner at Logan's last night. This is quickly becoming a second hangout. The food is usually good. The servers have all quickly learned the correct procedures (free soft drinks, free salads, sit down and chat, etc.). And, maybe most importantly, no obvious freaks working there.

Called and talked to the proud new dad last night. They're supposed to be coming home today:
"It's pretty neat."
"Yeah, I'll have to get me one of those."
"How are you gonna do that?"
"Well, I'm not quite sure. I haven't gotten that far yet."

Game 3 of the World Series is tonight. Just about a must-win for the Cards.

Hottie alert: Misty May & Kerri Walsh on Leno tonight, in a repeat.

"You left my heart as empty as a Monday morning church. It used to be so full of faith and now it only hurts. And I can heart the devil whisper things are only getting worse. You left my heart as empty, as a Monday morning church..."


  1. For Friday Halloween at work, I will dress up as a gypsy. On actual Halloween night, I will be involved in a trunk or treat at church and will be a dead cowboy or something to match my decorated truck. So the answer is yes, I will be dressing up*2.

    History is boring.

    Sorry your dad went through that, but it's a little personal to be sharing don't you think? Oh wait, you always share "too personal" things.

    As for having a baby, let the world get used to another Shane before you bring one of you in here.

  2. For Friday Halloween at work, I will dress up as a gypsy. On actual Halloween night, I will be involved in a trunk or treat at church and will be a dead cowboy or something to match my decorated truck. So the answer is yes, I will be dressing up*2.

    History is boring.

    Sorry your dad went through that, but it's a little personal to be sharing don't you think? Oh wait, you always share "too personal" things.

    As for having a baby, let the world get used to another Shane before you bring one of you in here.

    Lil Bootay

  3. Wow, an appearance by Lil Bootay. It's like seeing Johnny Carson in public or something ;-)

    Hmm, maybe it was TMI. Oh well, sorry. Maybe no one was scared away.
