
Thursday, September 23, 2004

Physical therapy with Molly Shannon

All week, I've been like a day ahead in my mind. Yesterday seemed like Thursday all day to me, and today seems like Friday. Maybe it's a sign that I need to take off tomorrow.

Went to the doctor yesterday. He was late getting out of surgery, so I didn't get to see him until about 2:45 for my 1:15 appointment. Had six more X-rays taken. Everything apparently looked the same. I basically had a torn ligament and two small avulsion fractures. I still can't move my toes hardly at all. He said if I have not significantly improved in two weeks that he will most likely get me started on some physical therapy. That should be fun. Maybe I'll have a cute physical therapist. Or maybe I'll see Molly Shannon trying to learn to swing her arms when she walks. I guess the good news is that it looks like I'm still going to be able to avoid surgery. He said that I had improved a good bit from the last appointment. I definitely messed my foot and ankle up pretty good though.

Stopped by Jessica's for an hour or two while I was in town. Got home and played some Nintendo last night (that sounds about right). Played about six games of RBI Baseball. Man, I can't remember where the shortcut to world 8 is on Super Mario Bros. I remembered the shortcut to world 4 on level 1-2, but I can't remember where the one to world 8 is. I know it's somewhere on 4-2, right? On a completely separate and unrelated note, it's quite baffling that I'm not married yet. A true conundrum, indeed.

After that, I grilled up a couple of hamburgers for supper. (Wow, this is really boring. It didn't seem that boring while it was happening.) I need something to spice things up. Maybe I should shut down and re-tool. ("What about a guest host?" "I'll pretend I didn't hear that.") How about a new format? Scandals and animals. (I hope someone out there is getting these Sein references, because they're gold.)

On another positive note, it looks like I could return to billiards action at some point this week. Of course, it will be purely an exhibition. Not ready for official, sanctioned tournament action yet :-)

"I want something else to get me thru this semi-charmed kinda life. Baby, baby, I want something else. I'm not listenin' when you say, goodbye..."

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