
Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Sunday, Monday, Happy Days

OK, the blahs are gone. Good riddance. I'll start today with a Bumper Snicker: "They Make Me Miss Carter"

ROFL I saw that the other day. I assume it is in reference to the current administration. I just had never seen that bumper sticker before, and don't know that I ever will again. Good stuff.

SUNDAY: I went and washed my truck, finally taking advantage of the nice weather. After church, I went by Jacks to pick up some supper. Got some chicken, mashed potatoes, and two hairs with green beans around them. Nice. Those were included free of charge. I really liked eating there, too. Spent the rest of the evening at home. Ended up on the phone with various people for probably about four hours. Ugh, that was draining. Several interesting movies were on, The Michael Jackson Story and Scary Movie 2, to name a couple. Oddly however, I opted for the evening's feature on WE, Mannequin, from the 80's. Early Kim Cattrall. Nothing wrong with that.

MONDAY: I guess the most exciting thing to happen was that I got my softball jersey. It is navy with light blue writing on front and a white number on back. I am number 4, following in the tradition of the long line of outstanding athletes who've worn it before me: Joey Jones, Steve Stanley, Tyrone Prothro, Matt Wethington... OK, that's all I can think of. Went to Wal-Mart after work and saw like four people I knew, Jack and Paige, and a couple of other people. Believe it or not, Jessica and I went to dinner last night, to Cracker Barrel. Food and service were excellent. Then we headed down to the river for a little while. I played on the swings. It was a really pretty night.

In other news, Mom is doing a little better, I think. The bite mark still looks gross, and I've been trying to get her to go back to the doctor just for caution's sake. Thanks for all your thoughts and concern. Our first softball game is tonight. I'm actually getting butterflies a little bit. Looking forward to seeing many of you there... or seeing none of you there. Whichever.

"Everywhere someone's getting over. Everybody's lied to someone. People still use other people with a crooked smile. All around the world there's a sinkin' feelin'. Out there right now someone's feeling down on themselves, and don't know why. Every night."


  1. Ah so you were at Wal Mart yesterday. I was talking to my parents last night and they thought they had seen you between 2:00 and 2:30 at Wal-Mart in Decatur. Kewl.
    They see you out everywhere. LOL

  2. Really? Wow! Funny thing is, I never see them. Are they back doing reconnaissance again? What? Tell them to get my attention next time.

    Thanks for the good luck wishes. Oh yeah, the shoulder :-( It probably won't be feelin' too good tonight. Ugh.

  3. Was it a brown reclus?? My dad's been bit by them 3 times..he worked in a tool storage thingie-- those bites DO look gross *has flashback*

    (: Dea

  4. Nope, according to the doctor, it was not a brown recluse. Not sure what it was, but it does look nasty and gross.
