
Sunday, August 01, 2004

One Wedding and Two Nights of Billiards

Just checkin' in on the weekend... Let's recap: Friday, K and I shot some stick at the Brick. Janice was up there, so I was like, "Hey, tiny dancer!" I was alluding to the fact that she's a dance instructor. Anyway, I guess that's her new nickname, or just what I'll call her. I thought that was a pretty good line, but fortunately, it resulted in nothing of any consequence, other than she giggled. Ate at Applebees. As soon as we walked in, I asked Tonya, "Who's cooking tonight?" She was like, "Don't get fry side. Arthur's over there." So we each got (grilled) chicken quesadillas. Later, she walked by and I asked her what she meant by that. She gave me this look like "you don't know?" So we left it at that. Donna The Great made me a delish oreo shake. She was surprised to see me, cos I haven't been there in weeks. She was like, "I was beginning to wonder if you were still alive." Yes, alive and kicking, babee. Alive and kicking.

Saturday, I basically slept until Noon. I woke up on the couch at 8:00 and went and got in bed about 9:00. Went over to Decatur to help Tag & Kyle film a wedding. Ran into Deangelo over there. He was doing the photography. He used to work with my dad at the paper, but now works at another paper. The reception was at the country club. The food was decent, although I put a couple of things in my mouth without having any idea what they were. Oh well, it's not the first time. What? I tell ya one thing I realized. When someone has an open bar at a reception, some people have a really tough time leaving. I was beginning to think they didn't even have anything non-alcoholic, but finally found some crappy punch and ice water.

Anyhow, after that, I ran to Dillards to look for some deals. Got a couple of shirts. There was this hottie... um, well, let's just say a very attractive young lady, working ;-) Her name was Jane. Well, the last shirt I picked up was all the way across the store, but I wandered back to her department and was like, "Can I just pay for these anywhere?" She said, "Yeah, I'll get you right here." I asked when they were having their big summer clearance sale, cos this clearly wasn't it. She said probably in a couple of weeks. I did get those two shirts for like $21 though, so that wasn't bad at all. Well, I figured I'd made enough progress there for one day, so I bolted. K and I headed to Huntsville after that to shoot pool at the Jazz Factory. Most of the games were OK. Got back in town about 10:45. I went by Taco Bell and picked up some food, and stopped by Matt's for a bit. Got home about 2:00, I think. I can't remember. lol

I don't know what's going on tonight. Oh wait, yes I do. Nothing. WOOOOO!! I kinda wanna go over to the river or something. We'll see.

"And it's all that I can do. I'm a site for my sore eyes. But it's all I am so, don't tell me, how to be, cos I like some suffering. Don't ask me, what I need. I'm just fine here, finding me..."

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