
Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Stage One of the Tour de Bone

I was going to begin this bloglet by talking about this excellent movie I saw on Lifetime Saturday night. Then I thought some people might get the wrong idea if I did that. But it was called Nightmare Street, just in case you're wondering.

I'm sitting here following the Tour online. Looks like Lance may have the yellow jersey after today. Ullrich is attacking, but he was more than six minutes behind Lance entering the day. Five stages to go after today, including the a couple of time trials. The final stage is almost always merely a ceremonial ride, with the winner already decided.

I practiced for the 2005 Tour myself yesterday... or just rode my bike for about 25 minutes. Whichever. I guess that would be considered a time trial. Had some rear-tire issues after I got home. I think there may be a protrusion in the rim which keeps puncturing the innertube. (Why doesn't "innertube" show up on spellcheck?) So I need to rectify that, because unfortunately, I don't have a US Postal team cruiser to pull up and quickly change out my tire if I have a flat while riding. Otherwise, just relaxed at home. Had about a 90-minute nap, and ate some Chinese leftovers for supper. Last night, I dreamed I was a senior in high school again. I have probably dreamed that at least fifty times.

Nothing funny going on, I guess. Besides, there's more to life than making shallow, fairly obvious observations, as I'm sure you know. But just for your enjoyment, I'll dig one out of the annals. From "The Shoes":

J: "I don't get this. I go out with this girl three times, she doesn't want to shake my hand. Why's she kissing you?"
K: "Because I snubbed her. You see? Women, they like that. Yes! I understand women. The snub is good. They love the snub."
G: "No they don't. I tried that once. I snubbed for a year. Nothing. Every woman I saw, I snubbed. You never saw people so pleased." ROFL

"Never once did you think that they'd lie when they're holding you. You wonder why they haven't called, when they said they'd call you. You start to wonder if you're ever gonna make it by. You'll start to think you were born blind..."

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