
Thursday, June 10, 2004

I'm losing my sister

That's what it feels like. I know it sounds geigh to say that, but that is how I've felt the past few weeks. She told me the other day she turned in her resignation at her job. I didn't know what to say. I mean, she is grown. She can make her own decisions. But she has never attended the first day of college in her life, and makes more than a lot of people I know with four-year degrees. And I know I did the exact same thing, pretty much, but I have also regretted it at times. And I just want the best for her. I suppose there are some lessons we have to learn on our own, and no matter how much someone tries to tell us something, we think we know best.

Anyhow, it just feels like a lot of things are changing. She will be getting married in 44 days!!! My baby sister!!! She has been really busy planning the wedding and taking care of stuff for her house, so we haven't gotten to see each other or talk much these past few weeks. I guess Mom and Dad are going thru much of the same feelings. I don't know. Dad acts like it doesn't even bother him. Mom bawled her eyes out when she told her she was getting married. I dunno. I know it is all a part of life. I guess everyone who has a sibling goes thru this. Things change. I just worry about her.

Here's what I wrote on her birthday last year.

"Ain't it funny how a melody, can bring back a memory. Take you to another place and time, completely change your state of mind..."

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the comments, bro. I would post my number here, but, well, you know how it is... chicks. I wouldn't have enough minutes on my cell phone to cover all those calls... or no one at all would call.. whichever.

    That reminds me of K's surprise party last year:
    You: "Hello."
    Me: "Hey Jeremy, this is Jeff."
    You: "Who?" ROFL
