
Sunday, March 07, 2004


I feel like letting out a Howard Deanish yelp out of frustration. I had plans of washing my truck today, going to play tennis or for a run, cleaning around the house, and watching a bit of the race.

Dad came home today. So I have been running to get his medicine and other stuff he needs to help him out in his current situation. Then, the outside faucet broke off at the house when I was trying to wash the truck. I'm talking the PVC pipe broke in two! Water was gushing out of the back of the house. LOL If it hadn't been so disastrous, it would've been really funny. I had to cut the water off. Then, my sister's boyfriend had some pipe, so I ran back to Wal-Mart to get some PVC glue and a new faucet. Just got done with all that about fifteen minutes ago. Ah, the little joys of life.

It was so beautiful outside. I wanted to enjoy it. Oh well. Called Kyle to see if he wanted to hit some tennis. But he needed a nap. LOL (I guess working two days this week really got to him... hehe) Maybe I'll go running after church. Just want everything to settle down a bit. Just want to spend like one hour at home unbothered. Is that selfish? I guess that's the definition of selfish. Oh yeah, Mom had a wreck yesterday morning. She called me on my way to work to tell me about it. I think she is OK, but she said her neck was getting really stiff last night.

After work yesterday, I had lunch at Applebees. Got a full sidal hug (FSH) from Jade when I sat down. I was like, whoa, what's that for? She's such a sweetie. Sat with Davina. I probably haven't seen her in six weeks up there. She's been doing clinicals for school at Parkway. Chatted a bit with Tonya, Kristina, and Devin as well. Seems like more people I know work during the day than at night these days. Went to the hospital right after that. Stayed until about 9. Saw my uncle, two aunts, and my precious little cousin, Abby. Kyle came to Huntsville and we ate at Logan's. Got home around 11:30. Collapsed on the couch for the second night in a row. Gotta get ready for church. Will try to blog more when I have time.

"I believed in your confusion, so completely torn. Well it must have been that yesterday was the day that I was born. There's not much to examine. There's nothing left to hide. You really can't be serious if you have to ask me why, I say goodbye. Cos I am barely breathing..."

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