
Sunday, February 22, 2004

Dr. Van Nostrand from the clinic...

Hello sports fans, and welcome to another exciting edition of Sunday Night Blog Fun...

Sittin' here watchin' Seinfeld. "The Package" is on. Kramer is taking pictures of George in his underwear that he can give to photo-store Sheila. LOL

Haven't been feeling all that funny and creative the past couple of days, plus I've been gone a lot, thus the decrease in blog entries. I'm trying to fight off a cold. Since most everyone I know and have been around the past two weeks have been sick, I guess it was just a matter of time. So I've been resting mostly the past couple of days and pouring down the Vitamin C's to try and ward it off. Can't be sick for the WPBA tournament. T minus six days. That's gonna be some fun. I think it'll be better this year because I know more of what to expect after attending last year for the first time.

Watched a little of the NASCAR race today. It seemed to be a decent race. Close finish anyway. Went to eat at the steak house after church.

Need to get my taxes done soon. I don't plan on paying anyone to do it. Maybe I can find a free service online. Surely. Need to plan a beach trip after the billiards tournament. Late March/early April. Well, I guess that's about it for the most boring blog entry ever. Will try to be more entertaining later. Oh yeah, I was gonna work on some of my links and the look of the page here.

Oh man, this exchange is so funny...

Kramer: "Yes, I'm Doctor Van Nostrand from the clinic. I'm going to need Elaine Benes' chart. She's a patient of mine, and she's not going to make it. It's uh, very bad, very messy."
Receptionist: "I see and what clinic is that again?"
Kramer: "Uh, that's correct."
Receptionist: "Excuse me?"
Kramer: "From the Hoffer-Mandheim Clinic in Belgium."
Receptionist: "Really?"
Kramer: "The Netherlands?"

ROFL I love this show.

"I know you're only protecting yourself. I know you're thinking of somebody else. Someone who hurt you, but I'm not above making up for the love you've been denying you could ever feel. I'm not above doing anything to restore your faith if I can..."

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