
Monday, January 26, 2004

(Half a) Million Dollar Weekend

Had a great weekend at Center Hill Lake!! Left the house about 5:15 Friday evening and got home around 10:45 last night. Stayed at a house which is on the market for $500,000, so needless to say, it was off da hook. The lake is located about an hour east of Nashvegas. Got there about 11:00 or so Friday night, and our trip got off to a bang. LOL

After we checked out the downstairs area, we headed upstairs. Checked out all the bedrooms and stuff, then went out on the balcony. Well, we walked around a bit, then when we start back inside, Tammy is like, "It's locked." So, we've been there all of 15 minutes, and we are locked outside. Now the house is built on a steep incline, and at most points the deck is probably 20-25 feet off the ground, with no outside access. All our phones are locked inside, and there is seemingly no way down. After checking all windows, someone notices that on the nouth side of the house, as the deck goes around the corner just a bit, there is a point at which it is maybe 12-15 feet off the ground. However, there is like no good place to land, because there are two central units there, as well as about a 3 foot high concrete wall, which is only about eight inches wide. Well, while the others are around back, Melody, Tammy, and I are at the corner and suddenly Tammy is like, "I'll do it" and takes off her shoes. She leans over the rail, and after about thirty seconds she is like, "Although you are taller than me." LOL So, I take off my jacket, climb over the rail, slide down a poll a little ways, then I'm hanging from the deck and my feet are still a couple of feet from the eight-inch wide concrete wall. Well, I don't want to injure myself (ouch!), but finally I let go, and fortunately land on the wall. Luckily, we did leave the garage door unlocked, so I go around and let the others in. After that, the rest of the trip was a breeze. LOL

The girls fixed us a great breakfast Saturday morning... biscuits, cinnamon rolls, sausage, and eggs. We went down to the lake for a bit both days, and also up to the state park on Saturday. There we took a two-and-a-half-mile nature trail hike up and down steep terrain. It went down to the lake as well, and Tammy learned how to skip rocks for the first time. LOL Saw and took pictures of plenty of deer and ducks.

Me: "Ooo! A mallard."
T: "Are you a member of PETA or something?"
K: "No, he's just a conservationist." ROFL

I loved seeing the deer. We stopped on the side of the road one time where there were three. Well I got out to take a picture and two of them ran back into the woods, but this one deer just stood there looking at me. What a beautiful creature. Got some good pics.

Also, on the nature trail, Melody was towards the rear of the group, and I hear her say, "Ewwww! A condom!!" We go back and there is this hard-plastic pink think, about 3 inches in diameter, and maybe 2 inches from base to tip, and she thought it was a condom. THAT was funny! LOL

(I must include the following portion of the trip for ranting's sake...)
Around 4:00 Saturday, we headed to the nearest town (about 20 miles away) and ate at O'Charley's. Now, I hadn't been to OC's since Jon, K, and I really got crappy service and food about a year ago. But Melody was pretty insistent about going and so I didn't say anything. Of course, my meal was wrong.. and bad.

I ordered:

Steak (well done) and chicken tenders
Broccoli and cheese

I got:
Steak (medium-rare or medium at best) and shrimp
Baked potato

So needless to say, I'm not going back there again. (end OC rant)

Anyway, let me describe the house in a little more detail. There were two full kitchens, one downstairs and one upstairs. The downstairs was almost like a large studio apartment... full kitchen with a small bar, huge bathroom, huge living room area, TV, bed, lots of windows, and a screened in patio. Upstairs there were four more bedrooms and three more bathrooms, along with a huge living room/den area, full kitchen, bar and dining room. Lots of windows everywhere and two doors to the upstairs balcony. Hardwood floors and high, high, hardwood ceilings. There were two stone fireplaces, one upstairs and one downstairs. The interior design was just about perfect, too. They are including the lot and all the furnishings with the house to whomever buys it.

I guess that's about all I can disclose for free. LOL We all decided it would be best not to disclose other details of the trip. One of us might want to run for political office one day. I'm not even sure what that means. Anyway, lots of fun was had by all. I can't believe I almost didn't go. It was weird not being on the internet for nearly 60 hours. lol But it was good to just enjoy nature. It was so peaceful and scenic. All I could think the whole time was "I want to live here" and "This would be a perfect place to write." It was really good to spend time with friends, and get to know others a little better. My friends are great. I mean, really. Sometimes I don't appreciate them enough, but we all just get along and accept each other's flaws and laugh a LOT and have fun. It did seem like about the shortest weekend of my life. Oh well. Enough for now. It's Monday, and I'm actually having a good day so far.

Next big trip... Women's Professional Billiards Tournament in Mississippi at the end of February. Then probably a beach trip in late March or April.

"I've been unable to put you down. I'm still learning things I ought to know by now. It's under the table so, I need something more to show somehow. Never again. No, never again. Cos you're a god, and I am not, and I just thought I'd let you go..."

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