
Wednesday, December 03, 2003

A Rainy Night in Bama...

Bloggin' away while waiting for my Lean Cuisine to get done. lol The bachelor life isn't always as glamorous as its cracked up to be, my friends. It's the Baked Cheddar Potato meal... 250 calories babee! You can't beat that. Of course, I'm warming up a couple of quesadillas I had left over from Sunday at AB's. lol

Rained tonight, and I had to be out in it working after church. That's OK though. I like the rain sometimes. Right after work, I met KYLE and we shot a few games of pool. He said he was feeling all better and stuff, but I got there to find he was wheezin' and coughin' like he had chronic emphysema. So I'll probably end up catching something now. Maybe not. Speaking of sickness, looks like J-Mo is still out of commission. Get well, get well soon, we wish you to get well!

Wow, my game was on today. My angles were right the whole day. I wish I could play like that all the time. I rolled the 8 in early to forfeit a couple of games, but otherwise, I was on. The thing is, the next time I play, I probably won't be able to do anything. It's that search for consistency that is plaguing me. But definitely, days like this help keep me coming back for more.

Church was good. We had singing service tonight. It was very encouraging. Being busy as I have been today, I haven't been able to decorate the tree yet. The lights are pretty though. I'll have to get around to the ornaments manana. Life only seems to get busier. That's not a complaint, by the way ;-)

You know what word you don't hear much anymore? No, not Lewinsky. ROFL Presto! No one says that anymore. Used to be, when someone did something or fixed something rather easily, they'd say "Presto!" as if it were almost magical. No one says that anymore.

Today I am thankful for.... my health.

"I got a hole in me now. Yeah, I got a scar I can talk about. She keeps a picture of me in her apartment in the city. Some things in this world man they don't make sense. Some things you can't see until they leave you. Then they're things that you miss..."

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