
Saturday, November 08, 2003

Watchin' the Tide roll away...

Watching the BAMA game. We're up 31-0 in the 4th over Mississippi State. It was nearly 11:00 when I woke up today. Had some freaky dreams last night. Got up and showered, then ran to WAL-MART. Went by to see KIM. She hasn't been feeling well the past couple of days. Watched the first half of the ball game, then went to eat lunch with my sister. MOM had fixed some homemade soup last night, so I heated that up. Man, I LOVE this weather. I've got a sweatshirt on, it's cool and breezy outside, but not cold. It's SO nice. I love it.

Saw Jeanette and her husband at Wal-Mart. Also saw Christy. One observation I had while there... they already have the Christmas stuff out. They had a lot of little gift sets and stuff out. Does that seem a little early to anyone but me? I mean, I know there are a few people who start Christmas shopping in the summer, if not sooner. But for the most part, seems like everyone waits at least until Thanksgiving. Oh well. I guess they didn't have anything else to fill those shelves that had been occupied with Halloween stuff for the past two months.

It's a beautiful day. Breathe in that clean, cool air. Enjoy it. I have to work a couple of hours tonight. But that's not too bad. It's overtime anyway. Looks like APPLEBEES or BILLIARDS might occur after that. Can you believe Thanksgiving is 19 days away? Wow!

"If you're gonna leave, go on and go. Don't even look back when you hit the road. If that's how you feel about you and me. Now's a good time, so go on and leave. If it's gonna rain, I hope it pours..."

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