
Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Musical cell phones...

I guess this is one of the big stories today. I can definitely see why that lady is switching from Sprint. I have to say, I have been very happy with CINGULAR, especially when comparing it to phones of some of my friends and co-workers (Sprint & T-Mobile). There's no comparison as far as reception goes. And their customer service has been excellent, the couple of times I've had to use it. I do like the rule where you can now transfer your land line number to your cell phone. I was looking at my home phone bill the other day. It's like $42. And for what? I don't talk on it that much, and I rarely use call waiting. I use the caller ID, and that's about it. I really need to reduce that down.

I was thinking today, what is the deal with evaporated milk? If it's evaporated, isn't it gone? I guess the guy who invented it just left his glass of milk outside all day. Wow, evaporated milk! So if I'm sitting here with an empty glass, did I just invent evaporated water? And then you have condensed milk. That seems like just the opposite of evaporated milk. Maybe we can get Louis Pasteur in here. Clearly, I don't understand. It's all a bunch of homogenization to me. lol

Wow, I just made this 15.5 ounce bottle of YooHoo look like it evaporated. That was good. Why do I like chocolate so much lately? I think ever since I saw that special on Milton Hershey, I've been craving chocolate... kisses, candy bars, hot chocolate, etc.

In other news, I guess I will try and put up my Christmas tree this weekend, sometime between Thursday and Sunday anyway. Then its time to start shopping for gifts to wrap and place under it. It's weird how people prepare for weeks and weeks for Christmas, decorating and shopping and wrapping gifts and cooking. Kids look forward to it for months. Then by afternoon on Christmas day it's over. It's funny how when you're a kid, all you care about is what you get. Then when you get older, what you get really doesn't matter. It's what you give. I really need to get in gear and donate some things to Toys for Tots or do something this year. It's upon us.

"You're as slow as Christmas. I was up before the dawn, up so fast I missed it. Or was that old saying wrong? Every Christmas Day makes every other day seem long. And what seemed would never get here has so quickly come and gone..."

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