
Friday, October 31, 2003

The Bizarro World (cont.)

Enjoyed about two hours worth of nappage yesterday afternoon. It was wonderful! Went and shot BILLIARDS with KYLE. Ended up losing four out of six games. It was pretty horrendous stuff. Seriously, I'm not sure if maybe we've just leveled off, or maybe our expectations are just so much higher now. Hmmm... yeah, I'm sure, it was bad. lol

After that, cruised over to APPLEBEES. Arrived a little after 9:00. The place was pretty dead. Bizarro us were up there, at least three-fourths of the group. We sat with DONNA, next to JENNIFER and CHRISTY. JENNIFER is apparently getting divorced, so KYLE was juiced about that, for some reason. lol I can't repeat most of what was talked about, as the ladies were all feeling pretty good. Apparently, there was a running joke that JENNIFER was having an affair with someone, cos she kept making calls on her cell phone. Then somehow, DONNA and CHRISTY started saying it was KYLE. However, for about the first half hour we were there, JENNIFER thought his name was KIRK. lol

Anyway, I had the boneless buffalo wings (since they were half-price) and a salad. As I was finishing up, SHANE called KYLE, so I ventured over to talk to CHARITY. She was having a problem with her eye. She has a sty. (that's not catching is it?) lol I asked if she was dressing up for HALLOWEEN, and she said she had a costume but didn't know if she was gonna dress up, cos she didn't wanna be the only one. DONNA also said DAVINA and BETH were planning to dress as biker chicks. lol That should be good. Hopefully, KYLE will get some pics. We also explained to DONNA how CHARITY was not aware of the procedure for serving us. So hopefully, that will get rectified. Some funny quotes (that I can repeat):

"Are you not eating?"
"I ate at the Brick"
"Are you not drinking?"
"I drank at the Brick"
"So you just came up here to sit and watch him eat?"
"Yeah, pretty much." ROFL

Hmm... well that's pretty much all I can repeat, I think. lol

Another observation I've made is that there is a rather obese black man who has been there the last four or five times I've been up there, and everytime he's been sitting in the same exact seat at the bar. He's up there when I get there and then I leave and he's still sitting there. So I'm thinking, does this guy ever leave? Or do they just lock everything up and leave him there? lol Kinda reminds me of NORM on CHEERS.

Anyway, last night was a lot of fun. As many times as we've seen and said "Hi" to Bizarro Us over the years, only in the last few weeks have we begun to converse with them. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

"When you're broken down, and no one else is around, you'll come running back to this town. And I'll be there, yes I'll be there. Cos I remember how we drank time together, and how you used to say that the stars are forever. And daydreamed about how to make your life better by leavin' town, leavin' town..."

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